WildestFire's Profile Comments

hey!! during october chris [chrisma] changed their user to chris-o-lantern ! holding the username so it doesnt get stolen heehoo

bouta transfer a buncho characters to new account sobs <333

e w old account kill it with fire

Hi I miss you!!’

Hey!! I miss you too. I’m so sorry for being so inactive. <33

Aah I missed you too <3333 it’s ok, Will all have lives haha

Thank you for understanding, you’re the best. <333

It’s no problem <33

I’m writing a prom for you now >:3

Wild is a child

Who has Gucci pants

And possibly a crush on Lance

But maybe Hunk?

hopefully Hunk ain’t a monk

Oh. My. Gosh.

This is amazing.

I love it.

But who are Lance and Hunk?? :000

Tysm for this blesssing

Lmao theyre characters from a show

...I kinda ran out of ideas 

What show?


Okay...so I know this comment was posted 7 months ago...but should I watch Voltron?

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friends: Lovlii pineapples -Lightningfoot mintyy- _Mint_Dragon_ Sahmor LeppyLemon -hopelesswinds

yo hru?

Pretty good! You?

i'm doing fine. did you hear gleamur is back?

Yep. I’ve already chatted with them and I have one of their social medias.



Heya, Gleamur's back on scratch and they're doing ok ^^ thought I'd better tell you

Thank you!!

You're welcome,, also they posted the chains map :0

kzdjnfvaidjfvni gleam is back on scratch <3

kzdjnfvaidjfvni gleam is back on scratch <3

 Wait!! Dude you're from Scratch right? I really adore your work btw  

Yep! I was _Wildfire! And thank you so much!

Aww np. I really adored your art during your time on Scratch and its so nice talking with an inspiration after so long.

Omg, that’s so kind of you!! You just made my day! Thank you <33

Aaa np uwu, your art is truly amazing and so beautiful <3333

Aw, your so sweet. <33

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What's up?

Nothing much, just fangirling over a TV show


I'm just sitting and relaxing with my cat


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aaaaaaa hai fren

Hello!! I see you got banned on scratch well that sucks but I know how to bypass the scratch create a new gmail account then use that email to create a new account on scratch hope it helps :>

Hi!! Unfortunately, I have made many accounts with different emails and now Scratch has banned my device from creating a new acc. XD

WELL WELL I CAN BE YOUR SAvOIR NOW CUS I CAN MAKE ACCOUNT what would you like it to be named? But make sure that scratch can't reconize it is you

No, that won’t work my friend. I tried to make a new account when I was out of state on a whole different device, but ST found me when I logged into my iPad. Thanks for trying though. <3


This user's account has been closed.


Oh my gosh,, we had a DT? I’m so sorry!! I forgot! What did you want?

This user's account has been closed.

Kk! I’ll get to it! (Sorry, But would you mind linking your part to me?)

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This user's account has been closed.

i canyt get into my dA  acct?? sjjskhkaj idk what happened and it wont let me reset my password

Oh no!! Is it working now?

ahh no qwq and if i try to make a new acct,, it wont let me sasdfds

Do you want me to make you an acc?

Aaaa love your art!!! Glad you have TH too, {I know ya from Scratch} X3

Omg thank you so much!! That's so sweet of you. <3 What was your scratch username?

Aaaaaa no problem!! You deserve it!!!! <3 @Wolfcatzwithwings

Your to kind <3

Awww np

hey, how are you doing? <3

Good! How are you? <3

Pretty great, thanks! Wanna do another DT?

Sure!! What would you like? (Mine might be a bit delayed because I lost my iPad sobs) Could I have mine themed after this character from Bmc?https://binged.it/2v8ymqN

that sucksss

yea sure :0 can I get something like this?


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Hey!! What’s up? :’3c

Nothing much! You? :)

oh hai

Hi! What’s up?

life. i had a anxiety attack a few days ago ;^;

Oh no! Do you want to talk about it?

sorry, i don't really want to talk about it~~

It’s fine!

This user's account has been closed.

Hey! Your very welcome, thanks for doing the same for me!! Your so kind to be friends with you sobs, ilysm. Have a good one to! <3

This user's account has been closed.

Aw,, tysm. ❤️

This user's account has been closed.

hello fren, any news on gleam?

No. I’m pretty certain ST banned Gleam, and a I don’t know if they have any other social medias websites. ST has found everybody that has tried to help Gleam, and block them. ( fuck ST ) I’m sorry, if you find anything out please tell me!

isleofflightlessbirds told me that gleam has a insta, but it isn't active, and didn't remember their username

Tell me if you ever find it/ remember it. Even if it is unactive, it might be a way to communicate.

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Wait,, but is Nimbus yours?

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Uh, I don’t think that’s how it works. Once you trade him, he isn’t really yours. :/

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I’d love to draw them. :) ( sorry, I’m not trying to be difficult, I just don’t want to have people angry with me )

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Yeah. I’m not even very sure what it was for. Was it because of my vents not being family friendly? It’s not my fault that a three year old is on my page. I’ve seen worse. :/

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Well, Scratch is made to be a website for kids. BUT- it’s also a social media. You have to except the fact that there WILL be something that your tiny kids will find. It MIGHT make them scared. But that’s the parents fault, not the person who drew a kitty with a scar or bandaid. Like, common scratch! In my opinion,, there should be a scratch jr, for people under the age of ten. It would make things easier for everyone.

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Kk. I just want to be unbanned so bad sobs,,

Heyyy, guess what? Never getting unbanned. Huzza. So, when I sent ST the request to be unbanned thingy, they tracked my email address. They found out that I was under 18, and they are saying I have to get my parents to send them the email. There is not a f*cking chance I’m telling my parents about it. Scratch was like my space to vent out some of my feelings. I’m not showing them that. I’m so pissed off right now, ughhhhhhhhhh.

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Yeah. >::000

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Your welcome!! Thank you to! I’ll follow you on Scratch if/when I get unbanned. :)

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Damn right. :””) ( sorry if you don’t like cursing. I won’t if it makes you uncomfortable. )

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Good, I don’t want to scare anybody away bc of my big boy words. I requested to be unblocked immediately. I hope,, I guess I’m going to get the email from the tomorrow then? Oof, I heard that after you get banned once, it’s really hard to make the front page, whoops, good bye hopes and dreams. :””)

Hey! I’m Wild, feel free to shoot me a message!

( also, any tips on how to navigate this website would be greatly appreciated! )

Aaa hi Wild! ^^ it's me, Lightningfoot ;)

Hey!! How are you?

great! <33 I'm still trying to figure out this website, like how to subscribe to people and change my icon ^^ how are you?

Pretty darn mad. ST banned me on WiildestChild to!! And HallowTree!! And I can’t make any new accs, which has got me furious. I’m also new! I think subbing is pretty easy tho. I don’t know how to to upload or move chars to folders. :”)

Oof that sucks... maybe you could make a new email account?

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Hey!!!! It’s CaptnCas from scratch!! (Aka Wolfu hahahaha)

Hey! Omg, tysm for the code!!

Yeah ofc!!!

So, how was/is your day?

pretty good? just got back from the dentist ah-


The Dentist is terrifying. :000 

Ah, it was okay. I just really want to get unbanned from Scratch so I can delete all my vents and stuff. I feel like now that I’m banned, I think I’ve been taking Scratch for granted. I miss talking to you and my other friends, and I really hate it. I really just want to get unbanned. ;-;

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