Hub (wip)

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Peacful Fantasy light hearted

Stardawn is a town full of different furry characters. It is nestled between a forest, mountains and the sea. Allowing for there to be all sorts of environments and stories. There is no dark storyline or hidden foe. It is a world I like to use for escapism and the worst they'd ever have happen would be like a plot out of the Moomins.

Unbrak acwv7Ml.jpg

Fantasy original species alien world

Unbrak and the world they live in, are part of an ongoing story I have been working on for 16 years! I am finally getting around to really working on it.

After the sun goddess dies, her people create new means of fending for themselves. Laws, culture, and ways of surviving are still being developed. There isn't one storyline, but many following different characters that all connect back to each other one way or another. I hope to make a series of short comics following each character.

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Universal Travel Dice Rolls A bit of everything

All these characters are related in some way, shape or form. They may not know each other, but at they very least they are attached to the same RP universe I have with my husband. Because of this you will see a lot of characters who don't seem to have anything in common, interacting with and forming friendships. Our RPs jump universes, and timelines. Many of the core OCS are a part of a heroic group that travel to outside worlds to help others.

Unbrak are a part of this RP world but are categorized in their own folder for the sake of keeping their world lore separate

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Dragons Alternate Lore FLight Rising

Flight rising AU. These dragons live as pets to an invading deity that keeps them trapped on an island. This lore is not a part of FR's lore and the dragons work and function different than what is offical.

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Furry for trade For sale

There is a mix of adopts for sale and for trade here. I sometimes do draw to adopt characters or freebies! I only do animal and furry adopts and hope to get better at making these. If you have any questions or requests for themes... shoot me a DM!

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bright funny alternate earth

Wacky, fun, and bright ocs that live on the same fictional earth where guys like them just... exist. They have homes, interact with people and just exist to have fun. These characters are typically light hearted and have no real lore. They are more like dolls I enjoy playing pretend with, or using as an escape. I just adore the idea of these wacky guys interacting with the world I live in and having a good time and existing in modern scenery.

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fantasy magic nature

My wolvden OC's! I have two separate groups, one a group of deer who have an alliance with my wolves. And my wolves, who live in willowpea down. There is a lot of art I still need to make for them but I am currently focusing on my original species despite playing the game daily lol!!

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prehistoric nature game characters

I love dinosaurs!! But truthfully most of what's in here is prehistoric reptiles. I will still be putting them in here for the sake of not having too many folders! I love to play BOB and POT so characters from both games are in here lol. Also characters I made or adopted just bc I like them 😄

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Dragons monsters old earth

Characters that do not belong to a dedicated world or storyline. Due to all the world travel and cross overs I have in my RPs, lots of them are involved with eachother or unbrak! It just depends on the bio I suppose. But things like random furry, creature and dragon designs can be found here. I still have so many characters to post uuuugh.

This is not done or organized yet but it is pretty full

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Dragons Fantasy beasts AU of canon lore

This is so low on my list of things to do. It is empty for now, but most of my dragons live as pets to an invading deity that keeps them trapped on an island. They hate it despite having limitless food and supplies lol.

Wolvden 33257911_3h6eEDBg2DvpkOm.png

fantasy magic nature

My wolvden OC's! I have two separate groups, one a group of deer who have an alliance with my wolves. And my wolves, who live in willowpea down. There is a lot of art I still need to make for them but I am currently focusing on my original species despite playing the game daily lol!!

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Furry for trade For sale

Empty for now but will put wips here once I have an idea of how I wanna do that.

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bright funny alternate earth

Mascots for fictional brands, toy lines and other media are brought to life via popularity in this goofy version of earth. So far only two characters are in this folder. My fursona Mace who is a pink hyena that is the face of a fictional toy line that got popular from nostalgia. The second is still unnamed, but he is the mascot for a pretend line of flavored cactus water. The product he represents is only popular for aesthetic reasons, and most silently agree the taste is awful until you get used to it.

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Adjective Adjective Adjective

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis id tristique metus, at malesuada elit. Sed fermentum purus et odio tempor congue. Cras vestibulum porta efficitur. Morbi vel turpis at magna lobortis dapibus at vitae ante. Mauris faucibus velit et elementum rutrum. Morbi ac bibendum nibh. Integer interdum pharetra ligula, non dignissim dui fermentum varius. Aliquam sed eros sed nisl bibendum facilisis at et augue. Maecenas luctus risus ante, ac egestas lacus suscipit ut.

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bright funny alternate earth

Nothing here for the time being