Wingspan's Bulletins

Just another bulletin

Posted 2 years, 11 months ago by Wingspan

If a few of my characters are suddenly visible to me only, it's likely because I'm trying to redo their profiles. The outdated descriptions make me embarrassed a. Anyway since I don't really have anything else to say, here's a few terrible taxidermies. They're both terrifying, hilarious, and endearing at the same time. I'm not sure how to feel about them. 




"*hellish sounds of the antique demon*"01674b4f28a18709e7085f18358082ce.jpg

(i'm not sure if this counts so... just think of it as a bonus >:) )

Runaway -> Diamond Eyes?

Posted 3 years, 10 days ago by Wingspan


0 Votes Yeah, I like Diamond Eyes! Change it!
0 Votes Hmm... I kinda think Runaway is better tbh. You should keep it.
1 Votes Kinda mixed on this/I have no idea what you’re talking about

(Sorry for reposting this bulletin I accidentally forgot the poll haha-)

I’m kinda thinking of changing the name to my story “Runaway” to “Diamond Eyes”, referring to, y’know... Dialians’ diamond-shaped eyes. Just curious of what you might think of that; not gonna lie the original name just kinda came out of nowhere and never really related to anything in the story. (Unless you count Brooke running off into the forest idk)

Name poll?

Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by Wingspan

What do you guys think my username should be?

3 Votes StormoTempest (in other words just keep it as it is)
1 Votes CrookedClover
0 Votes SeizeTheDay (kinda cause of that one Macca song that came out that's,,, super good hgh)
0 Votes Kaleidoglobe
3 Votes FruitAndFlour
0 Votes MarthaAndCo
0 Votes BleedingHearts / LonelyHearts maybe

Okay, sorry for a new bulletin two days in a row oop, but I've been having trouble lately coming up with a name that I'm an absolute fan of. I mean, admittedly, it's kind of the reason a lot of my social medias have completely different names from each other. (The name CrookedEmerald is one I've kinda abandoned, though, only reason my dA still has it is cause you need CORE to change it, oofers.)

Anyway, even my current name (StormoTempest) is something that I'm just not 100% happy with. So that's why I'm coming here with a poll. Depending on how many votes things get, I might end up making a change, but who knows, I'm still kinda uncertain about it all. (Also if you want, feel free to suggest names)

Desmond and Simon

Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by Wingspan

Hey everyone! I haven't made a bulletin in a while, but this one is just sort of as an update for one of my stories. I'm deciding to cancel Desmond and Simon. I kinda stopped working on the story for a while and just wasn't really that interested in it anymore, and considering I have a lot of things I want to make one day, I don't really see the show becoming one of them. Don't worry too much, though, I might end up reusing some of the character's personalities and whatnot to create new ones if I can figure them out. Not gonna lie, I really enjoyed some of the dynamics between characters like Desmond and Simon and Ronald and Mary, so perhaps if I can find some new character to base off of them you'll see them soon. Anyway, that's about it!

I'm starting to post a few characters that I'm working on the designs for/don't have any art of them to showcase so.. sorry if a bunch of iconless characters start popping up. I plan to add art and icons for them soon!

Character name idea list

Posted 4 years, 4 months ago by Wingspan

Just some things I might name future characters so I could have it somewhere! You can use them too if you want. (btw, if they're crossed out like this, that means I used them. Though of course you can still use those ones as well.)










