

Aylanthum Academy

Story Characters Dystopia
My main project, Aylanthum Academy is a cartoon show i'm developing, it a futuristic, magical, dystopian story and 6 young adults who attend a college that aims to help them hone their magic, they are told they are all special and the key to a better future, however the main character Atticus begins to realise not everything is as it seems.


Story Characters Interactive
Where there is light there is also darkness, demons lurk around every corner, maybe you can join them?


Characters Gods Ethereal
These characters are God like entities that govern every one of my stories, they are responsible for the creation and management for every part of the multiverse that my stories take place in. My sona is apart of this group since I brought this multiverse into existance through my writing.


Characters For Sale Offers
Characters that i'm selling off, some of these are just old characters I don't use anymore or specifically created as adopts, I accept art, money, and character trades.


Artist Alley Stickers Sale
Fanart for my hyperfixations, most of the art here will be sold at artist alleys in Australia, follow my instagram for news about when and where I'm attending artist alleys.

Picture Perfect

Story Characters Thriller
A story about an art museum where the characters within the artwork are alive. They come out at night and hang around the museum, a nightguard ends up encountering them one night, intitially she is terrified but eventually decides she wants to help them escape their curse.