Xenyca's Profile Comments

Hi Xen, it's Rem from Scratch! I just got TH today! I'm subbing to you now, feel free to do so back like we do offsite <3 hope you have been doing well!

Ahhh welcome to Toyhouse!!! It's great to see you here! <3

thx so much, I really appreciate it! I've always wanted an account but nobody ever got me a code and I didn't have the time to set up a profile either. your profile looks so clean and I love the scene of your sona!!!

Tysm, I worked really hard on it! I'm so happy you're here, and yeah getting codes can be so hard ^^'

heyyy i kinda forgot to send you this: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/942289687/

How did you make those physical arts of finn its amazing

Tysm! I'll make a YT video and Scratch project about the process soon

Ooh cool! Also I love your yt vids



You should make some of your other OCs as well

I'm planning to! I'm hoping to do Shezi over winter break

7 Replies

Hey xen hru?


Hello- I need help, how do you put char in folders, and how do you customize your profile-

When you edit the character, under "name" there's a tab called "folders" and you select the one you want. To make folders, go to the tab section under your user thing in the top right corner > Manage > Folders, and you can add and edit them there. 

For the profile, go to top right corner tab thing > Settings > Profile content, and you can type stuff there. However, there are lots of codes available to make it look cool like mine (you'll need to disable WYSIWYG for these), and I highly recommend these! I have some favorite coders, if you'd like

Does this make sense? I feel like it might be confusing

Put a new profile code!


Hello! :D

How're u? ^^

Pretty good, enjoying winter break. How about you?

oH crud nuggies :,D sorry for le ver ver late response, I did enjoy winter break tho my sib got covid in the middle of us traveling so- XD theyre fine now tho

It's fine; Oof, that sucks. Covid is the WORST. Where did you guys go?

hiii welcome to toyhouse!!! your art is poggers :0 

Hello, it's nice to be here! And tysm!!!! :D


This user's account has been closed.

Ahhh TYSM!!!