

Personal Story Concept

All the characters in here are for a story concept i've given the working title "Blackpool". They all have powers that are like heightened intuition, themes and symbollic relations to different animals, which tie into the story. The main concept of a plot is basically that they're a rebel group led by cat - All of them with given codenames and disguises resembling their animal identity, i.e "moth", "bear", "rabbit". The big baddie is the white swan, who i HAVEN'T drawn yet but i WILL!!! And then the story follows our main character Erling, the son of the white swan, as he breaks away from her control and joins the rebel group, exploring the intricicies of their different relationship dynamics, Cat having been a former prisoner of the white swan,Erling breaking away from her mind control and exploring his own powers, moth and cat getting into huge arguments and you know. Just like. A million different vague scenarios that all live in my head, only 1 scene having been written out in a google doc somewhere... BUT I LOVE THEM OK, and ONE DAY theye'll all have complete profiles and designs, and it'll be so cool

cat dog Umalyn bird aigippus canine closed species canid warriors