For Art or Trade

Art is preferred for these characters but I will also consider trades

Please show examples and state what amount and type of art you are offering. Example - I am offering 2 headshots and 1 fullbody. Here is my art (link). 

Any offers without that will be ignored. Only offer art if it can be done within at 6 months. Any pending offers will be canceled if it is not done with those 6 months. If it is partially completed and can't be finished in the given time frame you will be paid according to your art prices at the time of offering. 

The only exceptions for this time frame is for very large amounts of art and/or animation or If something comes up within the 6 months that would make it difficult or impossible for you to complete the art please let me know so we can discuss what to do. 

humanoid pokemon anthro pony furry equine unicorn horse Pokemon human mlp dragon cat Pony black Runicwing blue snake male MLP