The Myriad Worlds

The Myriad Worlds are my own personal stories. They aren't going to be published or anything but are for myself. A lot of the characters have a very specific & important place within the stories so offers will likely be declined unless I think a design or designs offered would work better. The Myriad Worlds are a huge mishmash of a bunch of different genres & settings lol. It's basically a playground for me to move my little characters around & come up with fun ideas. Don't take it too seriously as it's not well put together & some stuff won't make much logical sense. 

Folders are sorted by worlds & the organizations operating within those worlds. If it's multiple worlds within a solar system they are nested under the primary world of that system. 

lore stuff: 

The Myriad Worlds center around one world in particular where the first gate was created. This world is known as Bodein, the home of the dragons. They created gates capable of connecting worlds within the same universe & worlds in other dimensions. However creating these gates unleashed a hidden horror. Between the different universe is the place of no stars, the inbetween, the void. There are many names for it created by the many beings who first witnessed it when tears began to appear near the gates. Beings who had long only fed on dead worlds whose natural defenses had fallen turned their hungry eyes on living vibrant worlds. The tears were repaired & many of the beings from the inbetween were driven out or killed but some remain, lurking in the hidden places of the worlds looking for an opportunity. Those beings have as many names as the place they come from but the most commonly used are The Devourers & Kroved.