
∙ • Grubbins • ∙

∙ Bug Squad ∙

Grubbins are tiny creatures ranging from 3 inches to 7 inches in length,  with the largest sometimes getting up to 1 foot. It's best to keep  water on hand, because though they breathe air on land, they need water  to survive. Be sure not to let them dry out, because they'll get sick,  and possibly die! They love to be held and pet, though are kind of  fragile; so watch them around children. They are smooth to the touch,  and will feel slightly slimy much like a frog; and have squishy bodies  because they don't have a skeletal system! Weird! A grubbins' diet  consists mostly of small fish, insects, and plankton. You can keep them  in a tank, but they'll probably get out. They can climb the glass with  their sticky feelers and are quite the escape artists! They fall prey to  birds often, so they're best kept in a non-avian household. (info from Zainniko)

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