The Disaster Trio



What happens when a disaster enby, a disaster pan and a disaster aroace go on an adventure together?.


Good With People

Trio Dynamic

As the only one in the group with any social skills, Zoni is the one who Bravely Goes and talks to people. Shes the scheemer, the planner, the one who makes sure every angle is considered and thought about.

Tech Wiz

Trio Dynamic

As the only one in the group with any tech skills, Ciddy makes sure no technological obstical can hold them back. Shes also the one who makes sure they're always stocked up on everything essential.

Voice of Reason

Trio Dynamic

As the only one in the group with any sense in her brain, Sunny is the one that goes "maybe we shouldn't blow up a mountain for fun?" when Ciddy and Zoni go ham to the wall. Shes the one who makes sure no plan goes to far, or too wild.

History of the Trio

Ciddy, Zoni and Sunny were "assigned" together after Cherry looked at these three dorks and went "yeah that'll work!".

And work it did! They first bonded over their mutual love of music, and then over their various issues and problems.

Their first Big Adventure was 7 months spend helping the Silkweavers daughter Silver take down an eldrith monster on the highseas. Overcoming their fear of water(Ciddy), their fear of boredom(Zoni) and ... okay, Sunny was just everyones favorite and maybe didn't learn that much from either Silver nor May, they helped save the planet and each earned respect, new skills and a fancy new title in the process.

Their trio is currently split up, after Zoni mysteriously disappeared in a rouge fold.