
A strange world taking its shape, though with a history that seems to stretch on forever. Three continents host extremely different atmospheres and histories; Cynosure, Petrichor, and Susurrous. No matter what sort of life you'd like to live, its likely that you'll find it here, if you look hard enough.

Though each continent is divided, forms of transportation are being created as often as possible to make travelling between these places more realistic. As of now, the most reliable mode of transport is a boat, though you have to set out when the oceans are feeling kind.



Cynosure - view

The perfect beach, the perfect home. A place that shouldn't be trusted or loved the way it is, and yet, no one will listen. The water will take them soon enough, and the locker will open.


Petrichor - view

A cold and damp continent that surpsingly has the most technological advancement, and the largest population. Many find themselves here without meaning to, and the popular markets draw everyone in.


Susurrous - view

Populating this place seems to be widely accepted as an accident. It's dangerous and barren, with overgrown forest and twisting vines. There is a rumor that this place harbors a gateway to the world of the dead, though none have been able to get proof.

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