🍂 petrichor 🌂


The second continent, and the most populated, this place is full of constant rain. There is a pleasantness to it, but some wish it would let up- just once. Everything is always just a bit gloomy, and the sun never really peeks through the clouds to give anyone hope. A bleak place, but it provides what we need- water. Water that can be filtered and drank, water that breathes life into everything around it. Petrichor is not a perfect place- but none are.

  • In Petrichor, the night lasts for 16 hours, leaving only 8 hours of 'daylight'.
  • A popular Night Market is run here!
  • The most technologically 'advanced' of the three continents, since the residents had to adapt to the constant rain, and found a way to turn it into energy.



Lilt Town - tag

Lilt Town is relatively small, but is the main hub of activity in Petrichor. This is where the famous Lilt Night Market is hosted, and hundreds- if not thousands- come to see the wares being offered by adventurers and craftsmen alike. For being small, this is by far the most populated location in Incipient.


Murmurous Woods - tag

The Murmurous woods have always been known for being full to the brim with monsters. This is the main place where adventurers train, and offers a seemingly endless supply of loot. Various caves are scattered throughout the forest, but few explore them.

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