Roaming Purgatory

Roaming Purgatory

"Tag line goes here."

  • GENRE(S): Unknown
  • WARNING(S): Unknown

Purgatory is a large region encompassing wide open plains, sunbleached creosote deserts, straggly coastal chaparral, silently watching mountains, and once-inhabited cities. The people who live here are far and few between, scattered amongst outposts and villages, and long travel is often both necessary and difficult.

The horses often used for transportation may look superficially similar to the horses we know today, but this is a false comparison. The Range Trotters who roam Purgatory sport strange markings unlike any horses seen in modern times, uncanny intelligence, and many strange behaviors. Each is born with an aspect of the world they embody, as if something in their soul was fused with something divine.

You would sooner tame a force of nature than you would tame a horse from Purgatory.

The Horsetamer's Daughter