Broken Truth Clans

The Clans

Deep in the forest lies 4 clans, all around a lake; Haronclan closest to the lake, Edeerclan that lives on the edge of the forbidden forest, Aizleclan that lives on the hills and Riivinclan in the thick trees. All four clans have their unique abilities. Their is very sritct, especially the leaders who are all very traditonal and plan to pass their experiences and leadership to their deputies chosen by their leaders in the afterlife. These dead leaders need to choose carefully or this could bring major problems in the future just like it has happened in the past. The founder of Edeerclan believed he was to lead all clans and become their leader, but the dead leaders had him sentanced to exicution after they found out his plans, with the founder of Haronclan, Aizleclan and Riivinclan, they all found their followers. After moons of rebuilding Edeerclan, they found the right leader fit to lead the prideful clan. A strict, cold leader who isn't bloodthristy or power-hungry. Yet with no matron to believe in the dead leaders, the leader of Edeerclan had chosen one himself which started to grow tensions between all clans. Haronclan, Aizleclan, Riivinclan and Edeerclan all hold ceremonies on an island when there are new apprentices or warriors. As time passed on, the tension only worsened as a deadly leader rose back into power. Still weak and unable to fend for himself due to his ghostly appearance, the loner seeks the clan's abilities to gain power and return to his physical form. His followers who scattered --knowing their leader returned-- grouped back together in secret to help their leader regain power. The birth of three cats from two clans; one white, one red and one brown. The feather of a raven and the antler of a stag will clash with the fang of a snake and eye of a hare. The fate of the Clans is unclear.

One will become Three when the truth is broken. The snake and the rabbit shall be united that threatens the Clans. The truth must be silenced.