


│Clan theme

Fierce Orthodox Religious Spry

Turn your backs on the fallen sparks and look towards the stars for they are our guides

Brushclan lives along a mountainside with a river running through it. Good luck trying to raid their camp because Brushclan can scale ledges to safety easily which gives them an advantage when fighting back. Brushclan is the most religious out of the clans, everything they do revolves around Starclan. Cats that are skeptical of Starclan are looked down on and cats who seem to be questioning their loyalty to the clan are challenged.

Personality Traits


Brushclan values loyalty to Starclan and Brushclan. Cats that are skeptical of Starclan are looked down on and cats who seem to be questioning their loyalty to the clan are challenged.


These cats back up their faith with the fierceness of their claws. Don't think their devotions takes away from their skills as Warriors.


Brushclan cats revolve their entire life around Starclan from ceremonies to offerings.

Appearance description

Body build

Brushclanclan cats are the smallest of the clans but since they live so high up they have strong forepaws and hindlegs that let them scale ledges better.
Fur type

Brushclan cats often have fluffy chest fur and extra fluff on their paws to protect their feet.

Strong wind like a storm rolling in.


Their small bodies and high agility skills make them a troublesome enemy in battle.


They are too harsh when it comes to making sure cats are loyal to the clan. There might be an uprising soon.


  • Open Spaces
  • Stars
  • Trait


  • Cross-clan relationships
  • Fallen Sparks
  • Outsiders


  • There is a heavily guarded entrace that's used for cats who can't scale the steeper paths.
  • It's said that eerie colored lights seen on the mountain at night are spirits of cats that never made it to starclan left wandering the living world.
  • Non-Believers are called Fallen Sparks.
  • Curabitur ac finibus eros.
  • Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.


Something about their territory.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin molestie odio ac libero posuere, a eleifend dui tincidunt. Nulla posuere metus in est sollicitudin, in egestas lacus varius. Nunc a magna sed arcu egestas faucibus.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin molestie odio ac libero posuere, a eleifend dui tincidunt. Nulla posuere metus in est sollicitudin, in egestas lacus varius. Nunc a magna sed arcu egestas faucibus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin molestie odio ac libero posuere, a eleifend dui tincidunt. Nulla posuere metus in est sollicitudin, in egestas lacus varius. Nunc a magna sed arcu egestas faucibus.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin molestie odio ac libero posuere, a eleifend dui tincidunt. Nulla posuere metus in est sollicitudin, in egestas lacus varius. Nunc a magna sed arcu egestas faucibus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin molestie odio ac libero posuere, a eleifend dui tincidunt. Nulla posuere metus in est sollicitudin, in egestas lacus varius. Nunc a magna sed arcu egestas faucibus.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin molestie odio ac libero posuere, a eleifend dui tincidunt. Nulla posuere metus in est sollicitudin, in egestas lacus varius. Nunc a magna sed arcu egestas faucibus.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Common: Hawks & Eagles, Uncommon: Lynx, Rare: Wolves, Bears.


One of the first clans to form.

Naming Ceremony

What are they named after, or what type of words they used.

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unique tradition they have.

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Do they believe in anything except Starclan?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Do they have a legendary cats? Or story?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Do they have a secrets?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Behavior Towards...


Cats that are skeptical of Starclan are called Fallen Sparks and are looked down on and cats who seem to be questioning their loyalty to the clan are challenged.


Kittypets are seen as inferior blood and are to be chased off the territory with a good swipe to get the message across.


Loners are to be questioned and chased off the territory unless they ask to learn more about the clan's ways and possibly join.


Rogues are to be chased off the territory immediately as a cat with no rules will never have respect for Starclan.

Silk River = Milkyway. Fallen Spark = Nonbeliever.

Starclan is seen as their ancestors who's spirits have risen to the stars and bless and give them guidance throughout their daily lives. Offerings and frequent visits are highly encouraged.

Cedarclan is recognized by Brushclan as a proper clan so they are respected compared to the others. They are seen as too lenient and silvertongued due to their cuttent leader and their love for playing roles.

Willowclan is seen as a group of kittypets just playing a game and aren't taken very seriously een though they've been around for almost just as long. Their tinkers are intriguing but do not seem very useful or warrior-like.

Rootclan is seen as more clan like especially for their dedication to Starclan and their emphasis on actions and not pretty words.



Medicine cat


Cat Warriors MLP Tom Pokemon Mare Male Mallowclan Cedarclan She-cat Female Willowclan Brushclan mlp Apprentice Stallion Unicorn Pegasus Mossclan tlk