

in this universe there are an increasing number of demonic creatures, Oni, that must learn to coexist with humans (and humans must learn to coexist with them as well. 


Oni are demonic creatures created from old/neglected objects and abandoned artificial habitats and architecture. They have always existed with humans but weren't as common in the past. However, due to the amount of wasted materials and the increase in artificial constructs, Oni have become significantly more common than before. Oni can come in many different shapes and sizes but there are two main ways to categorize them, and it depends of where they originate from.

object oni

  • Tend to have shape-shifting ability
  • Usually are humanoid in their default appearance
  • Sizes vary a lot, but the average height range is around 2~3m 
  • They are largely known to be indifferent or friendly to humans, but they can be tricksy and  pull a lot of pranks.

environment oni

  • Tend to have shape-shifting ability Vastly diverse in appearance and ability
  • Sizes vary a lot, but the average height range is around 2~3m  There's no average height.
  • They generally tend to be hostile to humans.

Even though there are broad categories to label different types of Oni, an Oni's height, appearance and ability can still differ from standard categorization. A lot of Oni also have features of both object and environment Oni mixed together.

to kill an oni

If an Oni is killed, which can only be done by decapitation, it will leave behind a mask resembling the Oni's face. 

oni hunters

  • As guns wont do much against an Oni, the hunters carry around long, bladed weapons such as a katana.

the mask

  • The  mask can be worn/hung on walls/etc to ward off Oni or prevent any from forming in the area.


Oni are currently in a very weird place within society- in the olden days they were so rare to the point where humans didn’t need to really worry about them, but now as they have become a lot more common (still relatively very uncommon when compared to humans though) new rules are beginning to form to take Oni into consideration as well.
Humans can be separated into two major viewpoints in regards to the rising Oni population:

1) We have brought them into this world by wasting materials, so we must try and keep peace with them
2) They are dangerous and untrustworthy and cause more trouble than good, so we must kill them off and use masks to prevent them from being created.

Therefore, in different parts of the country/world, there are certain places that made Oni hunting illegal because they want to try and keep peace and bring Oni into their society, while in other areas they allow organisations to kill and prevent Oni from spawning.
In a lot of places, masks are also sold at a very high price, and there are large companies that make very big money off of selling Oni masks (some are scam, others aren’t,,) and increased the Oni hunting business drastically. Some people are angry that large corporations would rather make more money instead of actually solving the core issue of Oni and human relations.
Also there are few Oni that have mingled in with human society successfully, and so far only object Oni have managed to fit in with other humans. some of them have become a celebrity-type figure, while others just want to try to live a quiet life.

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