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fh girl nonh magic user irixis blue adopted y pink asian white purple boy main made in middle school green cis black human cc MCLCU student nonbinary teen red ok edgelord corniverse auth wlw eo adult latine too many eyes mlm made in elementary school gay lesbian bi its halloween bitch alien ART terra mirabilis uft eyepatch squad child mixed robigo high trans wln ace aro aroace parent japanese cyclops auren chinese divine quasi siblings squad native american vampire meguca chaiebe fc elf musician indian royalty arc squad toh filipino romanian cs troll band evil mln game teacher antegenian demon erun the black rose fairy french ufo moonbeam stssne ghost hentanan nepenthe oriented aroace dainty thai healer scottish hs muslim orchestra citizen of u wethen korean jewish fen arcanum high poptropica kenyan concitor lectus adiutrix ufs worm on a string pan robot navajo hijabi gov shapeshifter catalan arcanum high school english mongolian x-ialon staff spirit pastel finnish moth pakistani het duck deer high brazilian nigerian lao chilean bhutanese blackfoot venezuelan swahili nlw undead dominican mexican polysexual ubs cishet arabic swedish baabi bnha cld