
Abel's Chaimi Directory




27 . He/Him . Grumpy


Local Grumpy Boy who doesn't know how to express himself. He's a mixologist, and in his late 20s!

While he might not be the best at expressing himself and often comes across irritated, he does have a very caring, protective side to those he's close to! Taking care of those around him has earned him to be viewed somewhat like a stern mother, while his willingness to get into fights to protect those he loves has him easy to compare to a guard dog.

His soft spot is his human, Autumn, who he's constantly fretting over when not in her presence. Something involving her seems to have caused Aelder to be pretty depressed as he goes on in years, changing from a once strong-spirited, firey teen into the quiet, distant man we know today.

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24 . She/Her . Peppy

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Alouette is, above all, a sweetheart. She's hard working, and always eager to help those around her, seeming to have an endless amount of energy and positivity for those around her. She volunteers a lot of her time assisting others!

She's fearless, determined, and always trying to push herself one step further - she's also quite sporty, often taking part in games with others! She may not be the brightest at times, but she makes up for it with perserverence and can-do attitude.

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20 . He/Him . Playful


A once hot-headed and over emotional dragon has become more of a playful, friendly soul over the years in an attempt to control his temper.

An impulsive boy who's always on the go - or, that's how he's generally perceived by others! While in public, he's always bouncing from place to place, seemingly trying to find his next point of entertainment, dragging along those he's friends with in an attempt to seem interesting to them. He's a regular in the music scene, and quite the singer and guitarist - he can often be found busking in parks for entertainment if he's not doing shows, living for the positive attention it brings.

Terrified of being boring, he doesn't feel relaxed around most others -- Silas refuses to appear at anything other than his best... And wants others to acknowledge this! He's flashy! A show off! He craves affirmation! And thus, tends to overthink when he doesn't get it, ending up anxious.

Many who know him might be surprised to find he lives a more quiet life at home: his main hobbies aside from music being maintaining a goldfish pond, meditating, photography, and enjoying a gentle spiritual life. These are pretty newfound interests to him, as a younger Silas would have found these activities pretty boring -- but these days he's seeking as much comfort as he can find.

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25 . He/Him . Graceful

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A soft-spoken yet strong boy, often confined to the solitude of the lighthouse he was initially brewed in. He's seen plenty of hardships through his relatively short life, and that's made him a very insightful and sympathetic person.

He's often lost in thought, but when he does speak, it's easy to hang onto his every word. An influential speaker and quite the gentleman, he could truly become a powerful force if he put his mind to it.

Instead, he's practically a hermit. He enjoys his time alone or with a few of the friends he keeps, regularly by the beach, with a gentle melancholy air to him. Despite this, should you get the chance to see it, his happiness is probably one of the most contagious warmths someone will experience.

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N/A . He/Him . GNC Dilf


An ancient witch who specializes in crafting both healing potions and poisons. His wisdom is seemingly endless, but it's rare to get him to share it unless you interest him.

He's fascinated by those who give a fresh insight, and endeared by those who happen to keep things fresh and exciting - being as old as he is, finding new things to keep his attention can be difficult.

As such, he's been through three marriages already, and is onto the fourth. He's a loving father, happily teaching his kids all he knows and encouraging they follow in his footsteps.

When It comes to those he cares less for, he's pretty dismissive of others, smugly toying with them for fun. Half of what he says is lies, partially talking to them as though they're foolish, and another fraction unintentionally flirty. Regardless of how he treats others, he's a damn good witch, and if you want some magic done or some potions made, going to him's a good choice... So long as you have a thick skin.

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33 . He/Him . Scholar


Sahir's eldest child, Rasikh was the first to be taught his seemingly endless knowledge, and absorbed it like a sponge. Unfortunately for him, his magic isn't particularly strong - and thus he feels a bit of an inferiority complex.

This has resulted in him trying to take up more than he can chew, always trying to learn as much as he can to impress his dad. He always tries to take on that big brother role, taking care of those younger than him or those in need, as though to make up for his own supposed lackings.

He's a bit grouchy, easy to piss off and correct you for your wrong-doings -- only out of the hopes that you grow from them. In turn, he's also very supportive and helpful when he needs to be.

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26 . They/He . Gentle

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A soft cat who was born sickly and frail, they were often stuck at home when they were younger. Since they had not much experience socially, they have a great deal of social anxiety.

Close friends with Rasikh, they often accompany him on his trips outdoors, trying to build up their strength and leaning on him to help their social anxiety. Because of this, they've become a lot more open over the years!

The outdoors have become a pretty big staple in their life, often gardening when they can't go out hiking with Rasikh. This has also lead to them becoming a great cook, using home grown herbs, fruits, and vegetables to make tasty meals! They'll often cook for others, hosting little get togethers when they can.

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N/A . He/Him . Sheepish


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vestibulum eleifend nunc, rutrum iaculis velit sagittis a.

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age . gender . adjective

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vestibulum eleifend nunc, rutrum iaculis velit sagittis a.

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300~ . He/Him . Childish

Sahir's familiar. Helpful in potion making, herb collecting, cleaning, and other minor chores!

Basil is often sent along with Sahir's children, assuring their safety on any particularly dangerous adventures into the wilderness -- according to him, eating Basil will fully heal you should anything bad happen. It's uncertain whether this is said seriously or if Basil just acts as an alert should anything happen to them, but either way Basil doesn't seem fond of these comments.

Basil, being a mandrake, has a very dangerous scream. Startling or waking him from sleep could result in injury or death, so it's best to not do that! On the other side of things, he adds very strong healing properties to any potion he's brewed with - so he often ends up taking baths in cauldrons.

Despite being Sahir's familiar, he tends to not enjoy his humor very much - and the same goes for Sonam. Rasikh is actually his favorite member of the family!

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1 . They/She/He . Motivated

Simple little snail that's always on the move! Belongs to Hyeok-Rin.

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3 . She/Her . Active

Alouette's loyal dog! Can often be seen running agility courses or going jogging with her owner. She's very affectionate!

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He/Him . Troublemaker

Mischevious, vampiric tealacup. Hobbies include sitting in cupboards waiting for an unsuspecting victim to grab him by the handle, and standing in dark corners. Often considered a pest. Regularly spends time lurking around Sahir's greenhouse.

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They/He/She . Silly

An ultra rare tealacup! Despite how coveted this pesky little cup is, no one seems to be able to keep it for long periods of time. Refuses to be tied to one place! Tends to travel with other tealacups, taking on a friendly attitude.

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