catskullxwx's Profile Comments

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Only have a few authorized 🥺

Hey!, are ya up for an art trade?


Ok cool!, could you draw my Cuphead characters Match and Cupcake?

Sure, could you draw my cuphead characters Lemmy and Lenny?

cool bean could i have a link to them?

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AHHH THANK YOU !!!!!! <3<3<3

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;0 DM me your discord?

Ty for the fav! :D

Np! <33

thank you for the fave and omg your style is so nice akfhkajwhfkabg

Thank you! I love your characters <3

thank you!

is it okay if i make some gift art for characters here?

YES that is ALWAYS okay. <3<3<3<3<3

Hello son.

FATHER ????? : D


had to do it to em smh



troll go brrrrrr


Thank you so much for faves!

No problem !!

Thanks for the fave, appreciated!! :)

No problem!

Heya! Just wanna say, thanks for the fav and your characters looks amazing!

Aaa thank you so much!

Thanks for the fav !