The Desert

An endless desert bordered by an ocean and a small coastal town.  Locally referred to as "The Graveyard", people who live near the desert are aware of the amount of people who have entered and have failed to return.  The sand is full of dug holes!

In the middle of the desert is a large crystal shaped castle belonging to a terrible beast known as Sinai.  No one has seen this beast, or are even sure it or the castle exists.
It is rumored that Captain Barren Red, an infamous pirate from the 1600's, buried treasure in this desert, but no one has had luck finding it.
Home to the local legend of the Undead Soldier- It has been repeatedly reported that a black horse has been seen in the desert with a white figure as the rider, but all claims have yet to be proven.  It is considered a mirage of dehydrated travelers.

Commodus- Servant to the Desert King
Mary- The Gravedigger/Traveler
Sal- Traveler

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