

About Gift

Mostly Abandoned Project PG-13 Blood/Violence Body Horror Dark Themes



RPG Maker 2003 game

Aesthetic horror, exploration & puzzle game


A young boy flees town and faces each of his fears after his home undergoes a week of startling distortions— with their source appearing to be his childhood friend.

Gift was one of my earliest RPG Maker projects from 2012, planned to be made in RPG Maker 2003. The whole basis is that it's misleading cute but gory and edgy. There's not much plot to work with.
There's also an alternate version I made in 2017 as a "reboot," but I basically consider those separate characters living in a different universe with less edginess.


Jasper is the protagonist of the game, a paranoid boy who lives in Silverpine Lake. His childhood friend, Conitoti, lives in Maplepoint City, a small but lively neighboring town. Jasper frequently visits Conitoti's house for picnics, games, and walks outside.

Things in Maplepoint start getting distorted. Conitoti in particular is subject to disturbing physical transmogrifications, which she seems to be unaware of. Despite Jasper warning townsfolk that something is going on, with his best friend Conitoti specifically, no one listens to him. He leaves town by bus as soon as he can. At the bus stop, he meets Willow, who was living in isolation in her home in Maplepoint until she caught up with Jasper to escape as well. She confesses she knew that Maplepoint was becoming what it is for longer than Jasper realized, and she can confirm what he experienced, despite no one else believing him.

Jasper travels to various locations, looking for somewhere to stay instead of near Maplepoint. Willow meets him at every bus stop before he proceeds to the next location. Ultimately, he leaves each one, and never finds a place to settle down. Each location represents a different fear of his.


Merrywether Heights
A misnomer of a name; a dirty town with rampant crime
Fear: Crime, other people
Busy City
A bustling city with its own life in every microcosm
Fear: Tight spaces, crowds
Colour Peaks
An alpine mountain range where townsfolk often talk of mythical, dangerous creatures lurking in the high peak
Fear: The unknown
Steel Sewers
An underground sewage system
Fear: The dark
Abandoned Town
An old, uninhabited ghost town
Fear: Isolation
Exists in another world
Fear: Conitoti

dreamyverse nonbinary furry rpg maker dreamborn humanoid alt dream tourist adoptable villain goth kemonomimi wlw protagonist pastel mlm lolita dream spirit kemono transfeminine