dirtriot's Bulletins

so i got this gal https://toyhou.se/3602594.kagura that i no longer really connect to (as she was also going to be a part of an rp that's no longer happening).

right now i'm not super interested in trading for other designs (except i suppose maybe a dainty myo LMAO) so i'm mostly looking for art (whether your own, or vouchered). if you're interested feel free to pm me or comment below. :>

ACNH Trades! ♥

Posted 4 years, 20 days ago by dirtriot

Hey all!

I'm looking to get rid of some of my DIYs, so I have them up for trade on Nookazon! I'm mostly looking for DIYs I don't have, items on my wishlist, or golden nuggets.


However I am absolutely open to trades of items that I'm looking for, for items I can make! Everything that's listed on my catalogue page I can make for you, and I'm open to doing similar trades as above as well. (:

You can pm me, comment here, or message on Discord!

psa: th user _kittos_ for stolen design

Posted 4 years, 8 months ago by dirtriot

this is just a brief psa that i was alerted to the fact that @_kittos_ has stolen the design of one of my character's (Anais) for their own profit

this is the stolen design in question: https://toyhou.se/4711658.12- (i've also taken screenshots in the event they delete and try to resell elsewhere)

not asking for anyone to do anything at this time, as both myself and Faunicorn (the species creator and original designer) have sent in tickets to the admins alerting them to this. faunicorn has also pm'd them but hasn't received a response yet.

please do not harass the user in question, thank you.

update: i've been informed that the second design (https://toyhou.se/4711793.17-) was traced from one of frenkyhw's pieces of art (https://www.furaffinity.net/view/26534991/), and is currently owned by yamyam (https://toyhou.se/1929403.-)

the third design was straight up stolen (https://toyhou.se/4711731.20-) from frenkyhw (https://toyhou.se/2040981.skylar) and just given an alt palette.

both users have been informed via note of what's happened.

second update: skylarkkai has posted their own psa as they've found art on _kittos_'s profile thats clearly traced kai's character's art: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/99605.-psa-stolen-traced-designs

third update: yamyam let me know that they own the second design, the one who had traced art by frenkyhw. i've updated this accordingly.

fourth update: frenkyhw has made a twitter post, indicating even more designs/art that has been traced or stolen from them. please see it here: https://twitter.com/moschino_bunny/status/1161021577191940096

fifth update: i received word from th admin that they've permanently closed the art thief's account. i'm going to keep this bulletin up in the event it helps others. unfortunately i did not get screenshots of other characters that were stolen before it went down, just my own. however i know some images were saved by others, including in frenkyhw's tweet (linked above).

get to know me meme!

Posted 7 years, 9 months ago by dirtriot

got tagged via Faunicorn!

Name: Stefany
Online handle(s): dirtriot or curio
How'd you pick your name?: dirtriot came from a shitty tumblr meme, and curio was part of a name i snagged from secondlife Back In The Day that i really loved lmao
Nickname(s): uhhhhHHH stef? whatever works my friend.
Age, DOB and Star sign: 26 and i'm a taurus~
Height: 5'2"
Place of Residence: manitoba, canada!
What are you wearing right now: a brownman shirt and batman jammy pants!
Pets? (how many? What's their names? What kind?): domino (aka poopy -- pls dont ask lmao), 7yo black and white cat! he is my baby. he has cerebellar hypoplasia but it's pretty mild.
Favourite color: blue shades usually, although i'm a big fan of browns and purples
Favourite animal: cats! deer and eldritch horrors are also up there.
Last song listened to: control by halsey
Last Movie/Show Watched: dexter (actually literally right now, with my dad lmao); before that it was critical role!
Do you drink or smoke: don't smoke (don't find it appealing), i drank like occassionally but haven't been lately due to my stomach issues
Do you play an instrument: the recorder? LMAO
Do you have any tattoos or piercings?: no tattoos (eventually!), two piercings in each ear lobe (used to stretch one pair but haven't lately)
What are your hobbies?: playing video games and reading books, tbh. i enjoy reading and writing meta/headcanons for fandoms i'm in like too much. i also sort of try to crochet?
Are you in a relationship?: yes! 10 years. c:
Anything else?: uuHHHH i used to be super into homestuck (i mostly escaped), i started playing video games when i was about 7 (ff8 and fable are tied for my fav games), i live on my own with my partner, and if i never really seem up for talking/reach out its because i have some pretty bad social anxiety and i'm sorry!! ;A ;

and for tagging, only do it if you want to!!!

 @cradlesong Hiyame Boyfriend Waltz quaazera @tsundear AscheRune @jintxo Elissinia