doqkinq's Bulletins

Important! (Please read!)

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by doqkinq

Hey!! So I've been "blocked" by a handful of users, although I have figured it out with the help of a user who had "blocked" me. 

It turns out that I have been IP blocked by everyone that has IP blocked Zee. I was logged into her account to help their profile coding, and it therefore synced our IP addresses. I am not and will not be involved with drama involving her, and we do not have to interact, I would just like to figure out how to clear this up because quite frankly it has been slightly affecting me.

If you know someone or have IP blocked Zee, and have not blocked me PLEASE feel free to let me know! My socials that you may contact me will be listed below.

 Discord: doqkinq#9174

 Instagram : @ doqkinq

Here is screen shots of me and the other users discord conversation. Their name and any other parties besides Zee's username have been censored for their privacy. 

Stash link to see better:


I have received permission from both parties to release this information. (Consent is shown below).


TLDR; I have been IP blocked by everyone who has IP blocked Zee because our IP addresses have been accidentally synced. Please contact me if you think this may have happened with us. My contact information is shown above.

If you are IP blocked by me on Toyhouse it is because I do mutual blocks. If it is a mistake I will promptly fix it.