doqkinq's Profile Comments

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Hello! Thank you so much for the compliment I appreciate it so much. <3

My trades and comms aren't open at the moment since I am currently clearing out my queue. I'm sorry! 

If you would like me to notify you when they are I can, if not I hope you have an amazing day. :)

hi hi tysm for the favs! means alot because ur designs are godly dude!! >:D

Thank you so much!! I really appreciate the nice comment it just made my day <3

I love your art!!

aa np!! ^^ ty btw your art is awesome ✦❤

Tysm <3 !!! I hope you're having a good day btw :>

i am :D ty!!

Of course. Glad to hear that! :))

OMG WHAAT? how was I not subscribed? Anyways just here to say your art is absolutely lovely :]

Ah thank you so much!! Same with your art a<3 And thanks for using my code too on your warning page I appreciate it tons :0

tysmmm! and ofc, its perfect as a warning and looks really nice !!