dreadnauts's Profile Comments

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Hi! We're unsure of what you mean, the links seem to be working fine on our end. Please let us know if there's still issues with the links!

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hello! i have a question, are myos tradeable? 

Hello! Sorry for bother but how I can get another ticket(MYO) for another common/decayed character?

Uh hi! ;u; look like someone jumped my myo upload to masterlist of last month...

I have sent her in the discord aproval and she was accepted, but she isn't here :c

Can someone take a look please? [i will pick up the myo slot link if needed, just a sec]


Sorry for anything

Heyo! Could you DM the masterlist account with the ref and the traits you typed in the discord? We'll get them added soon, just add a note saying your submission was approved on the discord but was skipped ^^