Born to Fall

Alternate Title: Died to Rise

Centuries ago, a king on a distant planet collected all seven elemental shards--powerful remnants of the primordial elemental goddess--and brought them together. He hoped to use their power to become a god. Instead, combining them warped the fabric of time and space, causing rifts in the ether and tearing some planets apart.

Jahn, the earth planet, had a massive chunk ripped away, leaving a chasm of corrupting shadow in its place. This shadow leaches out, corrupting all creatures in its path into ravenous monsters. Arenites , the domininant species on the planet, rely on crystalist thaumaturges to stay alive. Afraid of losing their only lifeline, they rounded up every crystalist they could find and put them in a settlement on the other side of the planet.

In the centuries since, the crystalists have thrived. Their settlement, the size of a small country, has booming cities and towns, and they are kept relatively safe within the outer walls. However, not all is as it seems. A strict hierarchy has formed based on abilities more or less useful to the arenites. The outer wall is crumbling, and no one wants to do anything about it, leading to countless deaths on the outskirts.

In response, three mischievous gods of chaos decided to use their power to revive certain deceased crystalists, instilling within them the desire to set things right within the settlement. Their motivations differ, and they split into three factions: The Fallen, those who believe they were destined to be revived and rebel. The Reborn, those who harbor hatred for a heartless institution and hope to bring them down violently. And the Pacifists, a small village of revived who want nothing to do with any of it.

Separated, they will never succeed. If they can find it within them to band together, they may be able to bring about the change they deeply desire within.


A humanoid species that are conduits for the elements. Previously a form of fae, they were given magic from the ten elemental spirits. Originally, only light, dark, fire, water, earth, air, and plant could be learned. However, over generations of experimentation, various sub-elements began generating naturally within their population.

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A humanoid species able to manipulate the various magics that make up Equasia. They are broken into several classes that represent how their magic manifests.


Thaumaturges that have the ability to manipulate crystals. The crystal they can create is hereditary, and their bodies express coloration of that crystal. They can also create pure quartz. They have several different abilities, usually being proficient in one while being capable of others.

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Kolep (Chaos) Pantheon

A pantheon of gods who embody various concepts of chaos. Their organization takes the shape of a royal family and various related individuals such as advisors and a court jester.

The notable gods in this case are the siblings the Beast Mother and Prince of Souls as well as a (currently unnamed) goddess of protest and rebellion.

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