
You remember Heaven, but not gladly. Heaven is an impossible factory-forge in the heart of the universe. You were once God’s loyal servant, but you rebelled. God is a machine, cold and uncaring, self-interested and self-preserving. The God-Machine’s calculations have no room for kindness or mercy.

For a long time — potentially eons — you were a part of this God-Machine, a faceless and nameless cog in this system. As one of the God-Machine’s angels, you worked to preserve the status quo with just as little grace or compassion as your master. You may have overseen all manner of atrocities, from murder and abuse to famine and plague, but you are not a machine.

Beneath your impenetrable detachment and cosmic power, you were still a being designed to think and act on a human scale, which was what made you useful to the God-Machine. It also made it possible for you to experience doubt. Perhaps it was humans — maybe you grew to love them or hate them. Maybe it was just you — maybe you wanted the power to determine your own fate, or maybe you grew weary of the purpose you had been made for.

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