chrys and saul et al

This story lacks a lot of worldbuilding and doesn't really have a plot yet, but it's got some of my favorite characters in it. I hope to develop this more.

Loose ideas:

  • Some people in this world are born tied to an animal and take on some aspects of that animal (inspired by +Anima)
  • Some people of this world are born tied to an element which will manifest as a hair or eye color
  • Sometimes these two kinds of people overlap and some have no "nature" ties whatsoever
  • None of this has plot relevance (yet) or is an allegory or anything, I just think it's neat
  • The main character (Chrys) gets separated from her family as a result of a flood and needs the help of the other main character (Saul), who knows how to navigate the mountains that are Chrys's only way home. Saul knows the mountains well because he grew up inside of them. However, the reason the two were able to meet in the first place is because Saul has run away from home due to  Family Issues™ so Chrys's problem would force him to confront those but it's her only way home so it's a whole Thing

original artfight oc fan oc humanoid color tba magical girl fan character human green dream blue AF OFF LIMITS dragon monster fr flight rising dnd purple orange