gooberpaws's Bulletins

lotta questions, not mine lol

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by gooberpaws

1) What’s your name? : Oli or Mushy ^^

2) How old are you? : 16 hehe

3) What’s your birthday? : August 28th!

4) What starsign does that make it? : Virgo

5) What’s your favourite color? : Purple 

6) What’s your lucky number? : 7 and 11

7) Do you have any pets? : Ye!! 4 dogs and 2 cats, my baebys <3

8) Where are you from? : America

9) How tall are you? : 5 feet and 8 inches hehe

10) What shoe size are you? : 10

11) How many pairs of shoes do you own? : Like, 6, I think

12) If you were prime miniser/ruler of the world what laws would you make? : UHH, Like, ur good to be urself as long as u don't hurt people ig

13) If you were a super hero what powers would you have? : Talk to animals

14) And what would your hero name be? : Mushy maybe lol

15) And what outfit would you wear? : Oversized sweater lol

16) What was your last dream about? : It was about FNAF Security Breach, it was, really fuckin weird tbh

17) What would you do if you won the lottery? : Depends on how much

18) Would you like to build/design your own house? : Uh, not really

19) Which form of public transport do you prefer? : I like walking 

20) What talents do you have? : Math

21) Can you juggle? : No, my friend can tho

22) Can you solve a Rubix cube? : Maybe

23) Do you have a cherished childhood teddybear? : Hes not a teddy bear, but yee

24) Are you psychic in any way? : Im good at reading people and guessing their emotions if that counts

25) Are you a good dancer? : Nope

26) Are you a good singer? : Kinda

27) Are you a good cook? : Lmao no

28) Are you a good artist? :  Im ok

29) Are you a good listener? : Not really >m<

30) Are you a good public speaker? : Def not

31) Are you a good babysitter? : HYe

32) Are you a good mechanic? : Na

33) Are you a good diplomat? : No idea

34) Are you a good employee? : Yeah

35) Are you a good dresser? : When I feel like it lol

36) Are you a good swimmer? : Not really,,,

37) Are you a good skier? : Never tried it

38) Are you a good lover? :  I would hope so

39) Are you a good musician? : Hehe, yes

40) Are you a good comedian? : Not rlly

41) Are you a good cleaner? :  When I wanna be

42) Are you a good actor? : No

43) Are you a good writer? : Sorta!

44) Have you ever been bungee jumping? : Hell no

45) Have you ever been canoeing/kayaking? : Yes!!

46) What types of vacations do you prefer? : Just kinda chillin' with my family or friends

47) What’s the furthest you've ever been on vacation? : Florida, few states away

48) What was your favorite vacation? : Went kayaking with my mom

49) Where would your dream holiday be? : Home

50) Can you tap dance? : No

51) What’s your favorite zoo animal? : I don't really like zoos

52) What’s your favorite sport? : Dont like sports

53) What’s your favorite food? : Sushi

54) What’s your favorite pizza topping? : Cheese and pepperoni

55) What’s your favorite film? : UHHHH, To many

56) What’s your favorite song? : Again too many

57) What’s your favorite alcoholic drink? : Mimosas, just orange juice and shampange. When I live its legal as long as its under your roof and given by a guardian at my age

58) What’s your favorite non-alcoholic drink? : Rootbeer!

59) What’s your favorite TV show? I don't watch TV

60) What’s your favorite boyband? : Dont really listen to those

61) What’s your favorite girl group? : No idea 

62) What would be your ideal partner? : Just someone who cares about me

63) Do you want children? : No

64) Do you want a church wedding? : Not really

65) Are you religious? : No

66) Do you like reality TV shows? : Kinda

67) Do you like TV talent shows? : Kinda

68) If you were gay who would your life partner be? : I am gay, but like I said someone who cares about me

69) If you could go back in time to change one thing what would it be? : pollution 

70) How many hats do you own? : Uhhh, idk if I have any

71) Are you any good at pool? : Not rlly

72) What’s the highest you've ever jumped into the water from? : Like, 30, 40 ft

73) Have you ever been admitted to hospital? : No

74) Have you ever had any brushes with the law? : No

75) Have you ever been on TV? : No

76) Have you ever met any celebrities? : Lol no

77) Have you ever been to Legoland? : Idek where that is

78) Have you ever done something heroic? : Ye

79) Have you ever played a practical joke on anyone? : Uhhh, not rlly, I don't like to do those

80) Have you ever been the recipient of a practical joke? : All the time T^T

81) What would be your best achievement to date? : Makin my mom proud

82) Do you prefer baths or showers? : Both

83) Do you prefer towel drying, blow drying or natural drying your hair? : Towel drying

84) Have you ever built a snowman? : Hehe I love making them

85) Have you ever been sledding? : Yeah! Went under a fence lol

86) Have you ever flown a kite? : Mhm!

87) What color socks are you wearing? : Im not wearing any lol

88) If you could live anywhere, where would that be? : Maybe somewhere in Europe

89) Have you ever been famous? : No

90) Would you like to be a big celebrity? : Na

91) Would you ever go on Big Brother? : Idk what that is

92) How big is your TV? : Average ig

93) What is your most essential appliance? : UhH Idrk

94) What type of music do you like? : Anything but Christian music, no hate to the religion yalls music just sucks lol 

95) How do you get yourself to sleep? : Just, sleep

96) How many Pillows do you sleep with? : 2

97) What position do you often sleep in? : On my side

98) What do you wear to bed? : Anything tbh

99) How big is your house? : A lil smol

100) How'd you find these questions? : Adventurepaws

Commissions! [OPEN]

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by gooberpaws

Mushy-Oli’s Commissions!

I am only doing art commissions as of now, I used to do customs but I'm not doing those anymore.

I will not take USD! I will ONLY take DA points ^^

Headshot: 50
Bust: 80
Halfbody: 120
Fullbody: 200

Shading: + 30
Sketch: - 30
Colored Background: + 30
Scene Background: + 50

Please note that these are not commissions!



Looking for premade characters!! If you have any and think animated art would be fair for them, then comment below please ^^

Also u can share this if u want, just so it can get out to more people

Kinda Imporant

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by gooberpaws

so, imma be goin through my characters so if one of ur characters gets moved don't feel bad I sob I love every one of them

Really Important!!!!!!!!

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by gooberpaws

On the free customs I forgot to write down the people that got one, I got everybody but one person, here's the template they used;

Gender: male
Species: fluffy dragon
Clothes: yes please!
Accessories: earrings and a scarf
Extra: heterochromia
 (browns and cream colors)