gooberpaws's Bulletins

Update! (A lil important)

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by gooberpaws

Updating my folders and such! So sorry if it gets chaotic </3


Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by gooberpaws

Do you think it would be smart to make a world for stories? I feel like that would help them be more organized in a sense, but I wanna know what you guys think :>

Gimme gimme

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by gooberpaws

Gimme adopt ideas uvu

Adopt Batch, perhaps? :0

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by gooberpaws

I wanna do an adopt batch, so uh, tell me how many

1 Votes 2-5
3 Votes 6-10
0 Votes 11-15
0 Votes 16-20


Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by gooberpaws

I got food poisoning T^T

Plz read U-U

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by gooberpaws

If anyone has any halloween themed characters, and they don't want em anymore/are up for adoption, I will gladly offer on them >:D

What is your name? Oli or Mushroom! (Shroomie as well >:D)

Gender? Non-Binary!

Are you dating anyone? No T^T

Do you have a crush? Yes TmT

What country do you live in? Merica 

Summer or Winter? Winter because I hate summer cause of allergies

How many languages do you know? I know 1! English, but I'm learning German :D

any tattoos? How many? none

Have any pets? How many? What are their names? Uhm, like 10 pets. Pickle, he's a rottie, Cardagane he's a Golden and Chow mix, Lucy she's a Pitbull and Boxer mix, Camo he's a Husky and Great Dane mix, those are all of the dogs :> I have Mr. Poppers and Molly, those are the cats we still have! And Luna, Sunny, Sputnik, and Piper and the cats we had :D

Ever been to another country? Do you want to? I wanna go to Germany >:(

Favorite school subject?: Lunch lmao or ROTC

Favorite beverage? UHHHH Idrk

Favorite food? Sushi

Do you prefer books, movies, or video games? Movies :>

Do you have any favorite books/movies/games? I really like the FNAF games and undertake games, I like the Avalon Web of Magic book series! And Marvel movies ^^

Ever been in a physical fight? No and I don't plan to >:(

Favorite fictional character? More than one smh

Have you ever broken a bone or had surgery? Nope

Favorite genre(s) of music? Not really, I like any kind of music, as long as it isn't like the weird country music or christain music

Favorite song(s)? Great Vacation - By Dirt Poor Robins :D


Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by gooberpaws

How would you feel if I did a Halloween raffle? :>


So uh

Just letting u guys know, I am 100% fine with you guys calling any of my OCs dreamies or putting them in a favorite folder like that. Even sonas and comforts! I just wanted to let y'all know <3

Just like, don't go around commenting "Omg such a dreamie!!!! Can you let me know where they're up for offers?" Cause just, no-