jiko's Bulletins

html customs closed!

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by jiko

hi hi !!!  i'm now open for submissions (go to google form below)!  a reminder that this is not first-come-first-serve and i will pick based on what i am confident i can make for you! :3c

[ terms + price ranges ] + [ google form ] + [ html trello ]

i plan to keep submissions open until tomorrow afternoon (friday 1PM AEST), HOWEVER depending on how much forms i get, i might end up closing this much earlier than that!

if i accept your's, i will send a Toyhouse DM confirming the price and payment method and will wait for your reply (i am happy to move over to discord or twitter for faster communication).  if you do not reply to me within 48 hours of reading my DM, i will assume you are no longer interested and will accept someone else!

cant wait to see what everyone has in mind! <3  let me know if there's any questions or if the links are not working!

thank you everyone for the submissions!  i'll send acception DM's shortly! <3

opening html codes later!

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by jiko

later as in later in the week* teehee

heloo everyone!  i thought to collect some moneys while i wait for my uni to start :] <3  i kinda miss making codes, i haven't done too much outside of personal projects ksfksddf

i'm announcing this now to give people time to create their mockups, though i'll leave the form up for a few days anyways hehe :3c

just some notes in advance:

  • i'm accepting forms via google forms only!  a visual mock up is required — only accepting 3-4 slots !!
  • payment-wise I am only accepting USD!  i may allow art payments later in the year however (rubs hands)

you can find current terms and prices here!!  let me know if you have any questions or need clarification on something; i kinda speedwrote this and most likely need to rewrite/add some things :'O

now to gather my pinglist and make sure i get everyone hehhehe (and if you're no longer interested, please ignore the ping!  after that, i'm eradicating it and will create a new, fresh and permenant pinglist ;w;)

sorry for the long wait guys, but i am very happy to know that my work caught your interests! <33  enjoy the rest of your day, i'll catch ya later!

🎉 Raffle Winners!

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by jiko

thus, the raffle concludes and i must go fetch lunch uvu

i got 181 names and it was amazing to see familiar usernames participating!  i see u guys <3

from the RNG, the winners areee *drum rolls*: guineapig (35), panqan (27), and NightmaresDream (161)!  congrats!!

thank you everyone for entering my raffle!!  the interest means a lot; i'll dm you guys later with da form :Dc <3 <3 <3

🎉 Custom HTML Raffle | CLOSED!

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by jiko


winners will be announced soon!

hello everyone!  i hope the year has treated you well; it's been tough but we made it through o^o)9

i'm happy to say i've finished my first year of uni, which means now is the holidays!  and i would love to start on that custom raffle i promised like... eons ago........ whoops again.  for the long wait and missed milestone celebrations, i'm doing 3 HTML custom codes and will use a RNG (random number generator) to pick the winners!

can be any type of code (user, character, world [front or sub page]), can have any colour/s, no limit to data-toggles (tabs, carousel, accordians) but i may be hesistant on extremely long codes? uvu)b

you can enter here via google form!: https://forms.gle/m2RziLTNvX68Fdhm8 

once winners are picked, i'll dm with a code custom form to fill out.  mockups is now required so please have something in mind!

you have until 16 November at 12PM AEST !!  

let me know if there's any questions!!

also here are some code wip sneakpeaks, from the most completed to the not-so-completed (all long boys) <3




thank you, my 2400+ subs, for the endless support!

never stop with the silly comments <3 <3 <3


edit: AYYY HOLD TF ON!!  i must organise a custom code or TH premium raffle after assessment season, i reached a very large followers milestone !! o((*^▽^*))o  THANK YOUUUUU 1810 USERS !!  I NEVER THOUGHT IT'D BE POSSIBLE!   

waddles into login account and wiggles one foot out 

hey hey people!!!  it's been a while; i hope you all are well! <3  i'm currently in uni life now so everything's just. whack!

as the bulletin says, i made a kofi now that my paypal's here!!  i think the last time i spoke about opening a kofi was.............. years ago??  my bad <w<;
it's under my main username because kofi gatekeeps me from my true code alias /j ()

i'll eventually be making a (n extremely slow) process of planting my p2u codes to kofi (and making deviantart purchases as a downloadable instead of you waiting for me to accept), as well as enabling live views for said p2u codes!  the entire process for Pseudo was so stressful for no reason (but i am on the FLOOR for everyone's support!  ILYY ALLLL    )

i'll admit, i'll miss manually adding people to authorisation (and i don't think kofi or devientart as a input for people to place their usernames???)!!  so, if you still like to get the code from toyhouse for easy sake, dm me proof of your purchase/s and i'll auth you! <3

mmm that's about it!  i though it'd be better to make a proper announcement rather than sneaking it in my code bios ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
OH and have an early beta of Pseudo before my brain deflated and just recreated it from memory!!!!  LMAO

moth boy....... LOL
i still like it a lot so i'll tuck this teeny boy away until i have ideas for his lower half...  its alt name will be "text-muted begone" because sometimes, text-muted does NOT hit the vibes ( ´ ー `)

thanks again for the support everyone!  please continue to comment, i love reading through everyone's edits of my codes! :D <3

time to slepffsfjsjzzzzzzzzzzzz

(pokes) customs are open now >:)

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by jiko

be sure to read the info here if you haven't already! <3

i imagine that most people for snoozing rn so i can't WAIT to wake up to a few dms LMAO

yearly note + opening custom html tomorrowwww

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by jiko

what's the flavour of december for you rn?

60 Votes jiko i am melting (+1)
77 Votes jiko i am freezing

it's been so long since i wrote a bulletin so excuse the messy sentences ew

hi hi how is everybody? >:D !!

this year has gone by both quickly and painfully slow??  anyways, i shockingly passed my finals with little to no study, graduated high school (fingers crossed for entering university next year too aaaa!) and would you look at that, i have so much free time now ;]


sorry for the abrupt announcement but i DO miss making codes for people so i'll be taking around five (5) slots tomorrow night (maybe less if the codes are large in size)!!  which will be AEST 8:00PM roughly!!  people on the custom html pinglist will be pinged on the thread when it's time~  and as always you're welcome to ask for questions, pricing quotes and pings now!

in the meanwhile, i hope to finish editing Vernal and Whimsical because the amount of scroll bars are CRIMINAL......


  • i had one and off thoughts but i've been thinking about making a troubleshoot or faq about HTML and certain elements of it that hasn't really been noted yet (like progress bars, how to change bootstrap to custom colours, etc.)!  it will be in a character post which will be accessible with a key (to which i will give out publicly ofc)! i have no idea when to start it tho but...??
  • i'm ALSO thinking about drawing personalised placeholders instead of using this so i suppose keep an eye out for that!  they'll probably be teeny animals or my skitty mascot heheh

have a great day / night, and a lovely rest of December!! <3333  thank you always for supporting my work!  much love!!!

AM ALIVE (update + feedback wanted) !!

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by jiko

which code are u excited for? >:3

14 Votes essentials!
60 Votes whatever the second one will be called!
52 Votes duotone!


i hope you guys are faring well, especially now that school's starting again (for Americans??  idk, i'm seeing an increasing trend of kids going back to school in cosplay and sorts haha) OR ending in Australia!  and i'm definitely wishing you well for a lovely week/break! >:3c

uhm! i'm going to cut what i want to say into sections because that's easier on my visual brain!  so sorry if nothing flows!


boiled down: school and driving lessons (which, by the way, is kinda scary on the streets)!  i've also been preparing for my mock exams and am about to head into my final exams before graduation!!  how exciting~!  i'll be somewhat more active for the next two weeks aaaand will disappear again lol


techincally!!!!  i'm prioritising/contact those who asked before way before (but couldn't because i was closed) and am seeing how it goes from there!  but i do wish to open it again for new folks so feel free to ask for a ping or dm me for a quote if you're interested? ;3c  i have no set date but fingers crossed hat it is soon!

also!!  not sure when but i will publicly post—in the form of screenshots—the finished customs i've done (OR GIFS???  can someone help me on that pls... <'3)!!


more like i'm finally publishing old ones HAHAH <'3  some are months old so it may unintentionally look similar to other codes??  regardless, have a sneak peak!

Screen_Shot_2021-09-19_at_3.23.22_pm_1.p[ F2U ] Essentials
really simple
comes with bootstrap AND custom colours


[ P2U ] untitled help
comes with bootstrap only (custom colours might come with css ???)
will come with a background like whimsical

Screen_Shot_2021-09-19_at_3.36.09_pm.png[ F2U ] Duotone
comes with three tabs
comes with bootstrap AND custom colours
...might move the avatar somewhere down


OK SO basically, i make my codes on an iMac and Google Chrome and because of this, i go BONKERS on the scrolling feature. if you're unaware, on iMac, the scrollbars don't appear unless you scroll but on Window brands (etc.), the scrollbar says visible which when used right for certain aesthetics, looks pleasing!  but on some of my codes—depending on the height of the scroll content—it looks squished/busy/ugly >:T


basically, i want feedback (and images if possible!) on where people think it looks cramped and i want to see if i can ease that!  a horrendous example is Vernal and Whimsical, which i have plans to update soon..  aaa hopefully you guys can help me a bit on that!!  QvQ <3

i'll accept general coding feedback as well if you don't want to go hunting for scrollbars haha


  • i've been inactive cause of school and am expecting another hiatus from early October to mid November (?) 
  • might open customs sometime this fortnight (spring break holiday babyyy)
  • i have two f2u codes and one p2u in the making and hope that you are excited about them as i am! :DD
  • i want general feedback on those GROSS scrollbar overload that window users may have (e.g. vernal) provide pictures if able to!
  • (not mentioned above but) i'm on the move right now to update my most popular codes (windows, telling, etc.)

ALSO  i recently reached 1200 subscribers and i'm just??  WOAH.  THA'S A LOT OF CHICKENS.... <O<  thank you very much for the support so far!!  

after this, i'll probably bum about at the help forum so have a lovely time! ^^ <3

Opening Custom HTML tomorrow!! [CLOSED]

Posted 2 years, 10 months ago by jiko

EDIT: heheh the slots were taken quickly!

WOO!  School holidays are rolling in very soon and I can’t bare to look at my assignments for the first week B)

Anyways, my customs are opening tomorrow afternoon (or overmorrow if you‘re in the northern-hemisphere lol) so there’s still a chance to ask for a ping or a quote!  Or get your prompt ready, haha! <3

I am looking to take abouuut two (if we’re lucky, three or more) commissions and see how it goes from there!  It will be FCFS but I may decline if I’m unable to do it.

Preferred method of communication is Discord (for quick accessibility), however DM’s from my other social media (deviantart chat, twitter, instagram and toyhouse dm) are also very welcomed!

A reminder that I only take payment on DeviantArt (both points and money through the commission widget)!!  Please check my forum thread for pricing range, rules and FAQ.

Many thanks again for the support and interest!  Ask any questions you may have!

looking for oc’s for code display!

Posted 2 years, 11 months ago by jiko


yonking this from @calscode because i also had the same wants but wasn’t sure how to ask !!! <'3

For display purposes, please comment below your characters/folders and their aesthetics!  Anthros, ferals, humans, monsters, go wild!

I ask because I’m running out of my own character images to use and not enough aesthetics for the vibes I’m aiming for my codes ;;  I’m not looking for any particular aesthetics right now.  If I DO end up wanting to use your’s, I’ll ask for permission again in your DM’s, and for the unwatermarked version, then giving credits to you (owner) and designer in my info card!

Just some notes:

  • I will not have your character’s images in the raw code and will replace it with a placeholder like always!
  • This is NOT a html request for your characters!

Thank you very much in advance! *^* <3