AM ALIVE (update + feedback wanted) !!

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by jiko

which code are u excited for? >:3

14 Votes essentials!
60 Votes whatever the second one will be called!
52 Votes duotone!


i hope you guys are faring well, especially now that school's starting again (for Americans??  idk, i'm seeing an increasing trend of kids going back to school in cosplay and sorts haha) OR ending in Australia!  and i'm definitely wishing you well for a lovely week/break! >:3c

uhm! i'm going to cut what i want to say into sections because that's easier on my visual brain!  so sorry if nothing flows!


boiled down: school and driving lessons (which, by the way, is kinda scary on the streets)!  i've also been preparing for my mock exams and am about to head into my final exams before graduation!!  how exciting~!  i'll be somewhat more active for the next two weeks aaaand will disappear again lol


techincally!!!!  i'm prioritising/contact those who asked before way before (but couldn't because i was closed) and am seeing how it goes from there!  but i do wish to open it again for new folks so feel free to ask for a ping or dm me for a quote if you're interested? ;3c  i have no set date but fingers crossed hat it is soon!

also!!  not sure when but i will publicly post—in the form of screenshots—the finished customs i've done (OR GIFS???  can someone help me on that pls... <'3)!!


more like i'm finally publishing old ones HAHAH <'3  some are months old so it may unintentionally look similar to other codes??  regardless, have a sneak peak!

Screen_Shot_2021-09-19_at_3.23.22_pm_1.p[ F2U ] Essentials
really simple
comes with bootstrap AND custom colours


[ P2U ] untitled help
comes with bootstrap only (custom colours might come with css ???)
will come with a background like whimsical

Screen_Shot_2021-09-19_at_3.36.09_pm.png[ F2U ] Duotone
comes with three tabs
comes with bootstrap AND custom colours
...might move the avatar somewhere down


OK SO basically, i make my codes on an iMac and Google Chrome and because of this, i go BONKERS on the scrolling feature. if you're unaware, on iMac, the scrollbars don't appear unless you scroll but on Window brands (etc.), the scrollbar says visible which when used right for certain aesthetics, looks pleasing!  but on some of my codes—depending on the height of the scroll content—it looks squished/busy/ugly >:T


basically, i want feedback (and images if possible!) on where people think it looks cramped and i want to see if i can ease that!  a horrendous example is Vernal and Whimsical, which i have plans to update soon..  aaa hopefully you guys can help me a bit on that!!  QvQ <3

i'll accept general coding feedback as well if you don't want to go hunting for scrollbars haha


  • i've been inactive cause of school and am expecting another hiatus from early October to mid November (?) 
  • might open customs sometime this fortnight (spring break holiday babyyy)
  • i have two f2u codes and one p2u in the making and hope that you are excited about them as i am! :DD
  • i want general feedback on those GROSS scrollbar overload that window users may have (e.g. vernal) provide pictures if able to!
  • (not mentioned above but) i'm on the move right now to update my most popular codes (windows, telling, etc.)

ALSO  i recently reached 1200 subscribers and i'm just??  WOAH.  THA'S A LOT OF CHICKENS.... <O<  thank you very much for the support so far!!  

after this, i'll probably bum about at the help forum so have a lovely time! ^^ <3



i recently got a new computer (windows) and i have never missed the invisible scrollbars more than when im making things for TH..... windows scrollbars are so ugly.... good luck in your quest to quench those bars!

i like the look of the codes youre working on! (i voted essentials) :D

Welcome back! The new(old) codes look amazing! I hope to find use for them in the future! Such a tidy feel to them. ✨

I'm an Edge user on the Dark theme - this is what scrollbar locations look like for me.


It bugs me how not having access to CSS makes scrollbars absolutely cursed, the best thing to do is avoid too much content haha, but for CSS users you can definitely have a cuter thin scrollbar!

I thought about making divs that hide the scrollbars for free users once - but the argument became "people might not know they can scroll" adsadfs


hello, windows user is here!
here how it looks for me:
actually i've faced the same problem both on my and other ppls htmls
and idk if my opinion/the way i make it counts, but i just set negative margin-right (1-2em is usually enough) and padding-right (the same as margin but positive) and it look... more nice, at least text doesnt stick to the scrollbar lol

anyway, hope it helps a bit, and also im glad to see you back! <3

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I usually manually add a little padding into the code whenever I pick up codes that have text squished up against the scrollbar, since I'm a Windows/Firefox user.

Edit: imgur gallery with what i see

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So excited for your return!! Have always loved your codes :D!!!

yayy!!  thank you for the sweet words!! >:3c <3

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ooo i'll keep those names in mind!!  they sound nice for computer-eske / accordion codes~

and thank you if you do!  i really loved working on your's!! QcQ <3