DND: The Travelers

This folder is for the characters in The Travelers dnd campaign. These characters exist in a world with 5 different dimensions that the players can "travel" between. We all start on a version of earth with super heroes and super powers, as a budding teen superhero team that are learning the ropes. Due to some accident, we all get the power to "travel" between dimensions.

These are the short version of the different dimensions

-Earth: home of our cast, where super heroes and super powers exist. Home of The Quirks, Belltower, and Mars Microsystems

-Talerend: Fantasy land. What you think of your typical DND setting. Orcs, elves, dwarves, dark elves, haflings, monsters and magic. Summoning magic here takes the form of demons. Home of Ravenhollow, and Zar's second home

-Vulzar: post apocalyptic demon wasteland. Original home of Zar. Used to be plane of progress but due to an accident the core of the planet was destroyed, and the many of the inhabitants were turned into demons. Where Demons come from when summoned.

-Portot: This is a WW2 time period world that is home of 3 countries at war. The Ironscale crusade and the Skullmada accords are eternally fighting with the kingdom of Acria in the middle. Ironscale hates all mages, SKullmada is ambivalent, and Acria is the home of most mages also where Flamelite is created.

-Protos: The Scifi fantasy future world. In this dimension we have achieved space travel quite easily, and travel the stars. There are space cruise-ships and colonies in wild edge worlds. There is also an organization of Iron Samuraii that specifically hunt down and kill "Travelers".