✵ Crystallis ✵



This is one of my fairly newest stories i created out of multiple story ideas i had written down. I eventually decided on the idea of people using crystals embedded in their bodies as a power source as my route to take. Keep in mind, these ideas were written down back in 2013-2014 but never brought to light until i could develope the ideas further. I eventually got truly inventive when i got a gacha unicorn girl ( aka remi ) and adopted a super cute crystal horn girl ( nami ) and decided to go ahead with this story. Though the least developed, this concept is still a work of art!

Story Summary

Like clock work, the East and South crystal poles were always known to the people of the planet of Crystallis, as their life span. Ever since they could remember and document, the people had known that the Crystal poles were their creators. The East Crystal giving birth to little crystalis children who, once they break through their crystal shell, can walk and moderately speak but have no memory of their life before. While the South Crystal is the crystal of rebirth. Before the Crystallian people die, they merge their bodies into the south crystal, to be reborn again in the East. The rate that the people are reborn is unknown and is why the scientist and government set up a base and labaratory by the crystals , to test and learn more about the very things that keeps them all alive.

It isn't until the pure crystals suddenly stopped producing and rebirth its childern. Suddenly, the people dying and going into the crystals , weren't coming back. Many people were scared and knew it had to mean the end of the planet if their very cores are broken. The crystals began to turn dark, and darker the more people were trying to be rebirthed during this process. Then, suddenly, the East Crystal begins mass producing Crystal creatures. Crystallian who use to be flesh are now nothing but crystals, dark, power, and destroying everything in its path. Then, in between the Crystal Creatures mass production, comes two girls, each with horned crystals. Not only is it highly unlikely for twins to be born but horned crystals with the ability to harness all crystal power is the first theyve seen in their records. Are these twins friends or foes? Thanks to the media, a lot of the people of Crystallian believe it is the girls fault for the end of their world. They are here to destroy. They think.

Story Development Completion [45 % ]
Character Development Completion [ 45 % ]
Character Designs Completion [ 50 % ]
Character Relationships Completion [ 20 % ]
Written Story Completion [ 0 % ]
Comic Strip Story Completion [ 0 % ]

Goals to Accomplish

  • Re-read current story plot points
  • Possibly write a chapter
  • Finish the story!
  • Finish the full body designs
  • Add HTML coding to all characters
  • finish story plot line & character roles

Warning Labels

  • Sexual Content
  • Foul Language
  • Death
  • Tradegy
  • Brutality
  • Possible Abuse

The story, concept, & character designs all belong to kerinity. Please refrain from using any of the designs as yours for any reasons. These characters will never be up for sale or trade. All designs are original designs.

This story is fairly new. it started when i adopted a character impulsively from an artist on deviantart. This story itself was always a concept idea but never fully drawn out . When i got this character, i just knew i had to find a wonderful and powerful story. Thus, i created Crystallis. This story has plot line holes and needs more development, but i love the idea and concept a lot.

  • ⟩ This world is called Crystallis. Not too creative but it stays to its true meaning. Crystals are used for light sources, healing, food, weapons, tools, and so much more. Its flowers, its tree leaves, everything is neraly all made of crystal and all has its roots tied under the soot to the core of the planet -- The crystal core.
  • ⟩ The crystal core is what connects the south and east crystal poles.although no one has ever seen the core, it is waht the scientist assume is the core - jjust a giant crystal
  • ⟩ usually the rebth rate is about 30 crystal people a day and about 100 + who can die in one single day. so although more people go into the crystal to be rebirthed, the process of rebirth is a lot slower than death.
  • ⟩ most people are born with crystals. some have crystal eyes, horns, wings, fingers, random crystal growth from their bodies and the list goes on. All crystals are possible but the rarest ones are of course the strongest and most useful.
  • ⟩ Even the creatures residing on this planet can be made of crystal, eat crystal, or use crystals to their advantage.
  • ⟩ whats never been heard of is twins. two people born completely the same and with crystal horns that have the ability to master all crystals. this has NEVER happened before that has been documented at least.
  • ⟩ The twin sisters, Remi and Nami, will be seperated and tested on and eventually one of the scientist will take the girls in before seperating them into different homes believing that if they are seperate they cant cause mass destruction.
  • ⟩ Media is a big deal in crystallis. So of course when the girls were born the media took it with fire and set it aflame. Everyone truly believes the girls couldnt be a coincidence. They couldnt have just happened to be born right after the dark crystal creatures stopped being massed produced from the crystal of life(the east crystal). After the girls were born and the dark creatures stopped, it was a clear sign to everyone! they were there to end their world. Many believed the girls shouldve been tossed back into the crystal cores. Others believed the girls are innocent and might actually be the reason the creatures stopped producing BECAUSE they were born and it meant only THEY could control them. When they realized the girls crystal horns on their foreheads have the ability to control ANYTHING that has a crystal attached to its soul -- didnt help the cause. It further made them realzie it is more than likely the reason the girls were produced -- cause they can control the creatures made of solely crystal.
  • ⟩ there are two types of magic within crystallis. pure magic which everyone can use with wands of course. you have to recite and spell to cast it. and crystal magic, magic that is only specific to someone with their embedded crystals in their body. the crystal magic is limited and can only be one specific type of magic such as healing, strenghting, water, or air, so on. crystal magic varies based off which type of crystal the person is born with.
  • ⟩ what many dont realize is that their crystals can deam and cloud up before fogging over and turning black. if they turn black the crystal will crystalize their whole bodies. this will inturn make them turn evil and act very much like the dark crystal creatures that roam their planet now.
  • ⟩ another thing they neever realized for centuries is their crystals can power up. they can houne and practice their magic to the point were tehy can get their crystal to spread or allow them to power up and transform to control the newest power of magic and strength their crystal is gaining.
  • Connected Worlds connection : i want to say the connection starts right after they solve the issue to the crystal core. before anything can come back to normal and people can start to repair what was damaged, the sky splits open and a darkness comes over them as the crystals start to glow white again.
  • ⟩ the yellow dragon will be within Nami. Giving herself up as an ultimate sacrfice will be just the beginning of her trial to life. It'll be a hard struggle for her to come to terms to as she is tired of being chased and used. She will have to fight her fear of another unending death to save her worlds lives once again.

HTML by lowkeywicked

ufo - never at fb - done fvat oc fb - makeover rfn male originalcharacter fb - needed female cute original character fantasy guy need femaleoc kawaii AT nft