〚 Connected Galaxy 〛

〚 Connected Galaxy 〛

These worlds have a special connection. You see, at the same time and day of each indivual universes, all of the planets from these six different solar systems, will be in perfect alignment with one another -- light years apart. Not only will these six different universes be connected through a strange and rare event called, Perfect Planetary Alignment. This will also bring forth dark and strong magical enemies who will use this phenomenon to increase their powers and rule 6 universes at once. They will call themselves the Universe Gods, if they succeed. These wicked Wizrads must be stopped -- at all costs.

These Worlds/Universes are in order of most completed - to semi-complete. A couple of things to know; Etren is as old as 2010. I have since discontinued drawing/updating them until i can complete a bit more of my other universes. Creon's Castle & The Legends right now are my main priorities. Please click on the red switch on the top right to expand the characters descriptions and learn more about each world -- without having to go to their respective folder. All characters are forever homed, but i will entertain offers. Thanks for visiting ♥

❃ The Etren Project ❃

The once prosperous Etren was now shrouded in a posinous gas - one that feeds off oxygen, sucking it out of any living thing that breathes. This Choas, is being emitted from six dark crystals that have sprouted into giant pulsing cores. The crystals will eventually connnect to the center of the planet and kill the planet from the inside out. The only remaining population has been hiding underneath the Choas, by altering an art project that was once called 'Illusion'. It was a barrier that people would go into and be able to experience rain and artifical sun -- a fake world under a projection. It was meant to be scarstic and show how much people have begun to relay so much on technology that they might as well have fake sun since no one leaves their homes any more -- at the time. The project was altered withint a matter of a short years to create an air sealed tight space, but use the illusion of an old world into a vast dome. They had two and a half years to finish building it before the chaos would soon engulf the whole planet. They created six cities, but they needed to adapt -- and quickly. It is with the next fifty generations of children that testing, corruption, and desperation, does the Etren Project begin. An inhumane project to save a billion lives. "To Save Etren!"


Kairina Mae Ayaesa

17 . female . enfj . pisces

Main Character . Lucca's Lover . Psychometric & Mind Control .

Kairina's father was the leading scientist that was conducting experiements not only on animals -- but children too. 'It was to save Etren', he always said. Kairina grew up believing her father was a criminal and that her brother died in the process of her own father's evil experiments. Everything she's thought and all of her memories -- are lies.

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Lucca Emerson Maddox

19 . male . isfj . scorpio

Main Character . Kairina's Lover . Darkness Manipulation . Barriers

Lucca is a result as part of the Etren project, a soldier of manipulation. With both his parents dead, no living relatives due to The Choas, and a very unique and special set of powers, he was seperated from his brother and the temporary home of the Ayasea's, to be thrown into a sciene laboratory. He became a lab rat, even though all he ever longed for is to see Kairina again.

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Hilliuh Nev Maddox

18 . male . intj . aries

Side Character . Orianna's Lover. Illusionist . Speed .

Hilliuh is the younger-half brother of Lucca. Before the explosion at the Etren Project labs(EPL), Kairina, his older brother Lucca, and himself would hang out and often play together. After the explosion. Hilliuh lost not only his brother, but his parents , as well. As far as Hilliuh knew, he died along with Kairina's brother, Kosuke. He tries not to think about it too much.

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Orianna Zo Saeler

17 . female . esfj . leo

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Neolandor Ace Sulvekia

18 . male . esfp . libra

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Elviera True Angley

18 . female . infj . libra

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Kousuke Levi Ayaesa

20 . male . entj . aquarius

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Yui Lorena Faber

17 . female . infp . gemini

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✧ Creons' Crystal Castle ✧

Left with only a letter as proof her father existed, Lottionette was faced with the hardest descision and task. She knew without a doubt, no matter the crazy journey her father was about to lead her towards, was just part one. Part two would be finding exactly where her father ran off to, leaving her behind to fend for herself - he would never hear the end of it. Then again, she is her father's daughter. See, within this letter, her father had left a hidden message, only he knew she would get. Not only did he tell her to travel three days and two nights to this magicial castle, but to live in the castle until her father could come for her. Lotte didn't want to believe the King of Evangaldes, the mysterious King of Crystal Castle, would take such a meger and poor girl like her in. None the less, she listened and trusted her father, and headed out to Evanglades. In her journey's, she uncoverd the hidden message, but it was something she didn't quite understand, yet. "I'm Within Your Reach, As Long As You Believe, Magic is the Key." It isn't until she arrives at the sacred Crystal Changing Castle, and King Creonilious accepts her invitation in, did she start to believe her father and his crazy ass stories he always titled, "Thoth and Artios's Adventures".


Lottionette Ann Caster

21 . female . estp . pisces

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Creonilius Lee Evanglades

25 . male . infj . taurus

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Zibeon Evanglades

500+ . male . ??? . ???

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Crius Jae Evanglades

22 . male . istj . taurus

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Olette Wren Kobal

20 . female . isfj . cancer

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Corina Muriel Pilette

23 . female . esfp . scorpio

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Sable Pilette

500+ . female . ??? . ???

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Hien Takanashi

500+ . female . ??? . ???

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⌘ The Legends ⌘

The wall that seperated the humans from the magic creatures was torn down by the Eight holy dragons of time, magic, life , space, nature, spirit, death, and elements, because they all wanted to believe there was good in the Opsorians - their humans. So, in an attempt to make a plea agreement, the eight holy dragons approached the King in their human forms and bowed before him on Osporian lands. Threatened at first, the King eventually considered the peace agreement and allowed the Ethiopian's who resided on the same planet -- just diffrenet realms -- that they could all live together on the same planet, no realms, no hidden worlds among worlds. It didn't take long until the King became greedy and turned against the holy Dragons, using his own magic to create "The Castle in the Sky" for his own selfish reasons.The castle was the beginning of the end as it took away the only source of nature for all Ethiopians alike -- the fountain of Youth. In the Kings retaliation, the people followed by example. Life on Osopria for Ethiopians was decling rapidly. The King, greedy to rule one and all and paranoid beyond repair, lead his next several generations into desataature present day. It is now up to Princess Opehlia -- century later -- along with her loyal Knight, Elias , to find "The Legends" who all have a crystal from each of the deceased Holy Dragons. With these gems, they can restore the water to the fountain of youth before all of the Ethiopians parish and the world crumbles to the ground beneath them.


Ophelia Lovette

20 . female . enfp . cancer

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Elias Drake

23 . male . infp . pisces

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Adelaide Jackalope

22 . female . infj . virgo

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Aldrich Jackalope

7 . male . ??? . ???

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Malakai Ocypete

19 . male . esfp . scorpio

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Nakaia Kitsune

25 . female . istp . capricorn

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Lucian Alicorn

26 . male . isfj . aquarius

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Kaehi Phoenix

16 . female . entj . leo

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Atticus Cambion

25 . male . intp . cancer

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Josette Cambion

27 . female . ??? . ???

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Ivanna Cambion

29 . female . ??? . ???

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Vinna Cambion

31 . female . ??? . ???

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❂ Connected Worlds ❂

Noscana, the world of souls. In this world full of magic, there is truly only one way to enhance ones power; Soul Weapon forging. The strongest wizards would cast their souls into their most loyal wand upon their death bed. This way their bodies may have died, but their soul lives on. As they lay dormant, their age progresses more rapidly within the wand but they still maintain their essence. However, many lose their minds. Locked away in a wand for centuries with no way to escape is quite ... tortourous. Darien, the prince of Exter, not only has an infatuation with elder magic wands, but has an interesting ability. See, the Prince can use and manipulate any wand given to him - which has never been heard of. Knowing this, his infatuation to find the six legendary wands grew. It is to his delight, on one bored day, to find out that they are right under his nose. Course , little does he know the exterme devastation he will cast upon six different worlds. He hass become infatuated with death itself.


Analia Avani Sylvina

18 . female . infp . taurus

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Darien Ignacio Castillo

18 . male . estp . capricorn

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Felix Nicholas Langdon

18 . male . istp . gemini

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Evangeline Faye Noxford

18 . female . isfp . sagittarius

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Aviana Lila Nicholson

19 . female . entp . leo

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Demetrius Fion Noxfod

18 . male . intp . virgo

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Soren Ekker

18 . male . intp . virgo

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202 . female . ??? . ???

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✵ Crystallis ✵

Crystali, the world made of crysals. The name not only originates from the crystal core of the planet, but the two Crystal Towers that shoot out from the North and South ends of the Crystali planet. These towers dive so deeply into the planet, that they are linked to the very core. It is from these towers, that life and death both begin and end. At the north crystal pole, the Crystallian people are born. All at a young age, but old enough to walk and talk. The people of crystali later find out, they are made from the planets core. Each Crystallian has a gem some where on their body that gives them special abilites based off the type of gem. Now, the south pole, is where people go back into the crystal core to be reborn again, they call it Crystallis. Suddenly, the south pole began to give birth to dark crystal creatures every time someone entered to be reborn. They were made with all crystal and purely mindless. At this same time, the north pole stops producing any more Crystalian children, for five years. With the dark crystals creatures being born and the crystalian rebirthing not working, the Crystallians were worried. Suddenly, two little twins are born from the north crystal core. At this same time, the south pole stopped producing dark crystal creatures. These girls were unique for more than a couple reasons; they had crystal horns on their head and it grew every day and this was the first time - ever - that twins were born. Something felt off. Something wasn't right. Instead of fearing them, they should've had faith in them.


Fiore Alaimo

25 . male . entj . libra

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Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla blandit ut quam non facilisis.

Suspendisse vestibulum, ligula id accumsan condimentum, elit dolor facilisis nunc, ut congue mi turpis nec augue.

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Nami Faulkner

22 . female . isfp . gemini

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Remi Faulkner

22 . female . intp . taurus

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Alrik Zhanir

23 . male . infp . leo

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Mika Kenari

26 .female . enfj . capricorn

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Selestia O'Dare

24 . female . enfp . aries

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Feinos Allard

24 . female . enfp . aries

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✺ Opal City ✺

In a town just off the shore rests a myth about magic, serenity, and power. A place that was once called Opal City. Only books now tell of its myth, and many of these books are works of fiction. Fiction driven by the imagination of what life would have truly been like in a place thats suppose to radiate peace. Although most are fiction, some carry some truth. Many explorers claim to have found tablets with unknown language on it, but no proof has ever been seen by the naked eye of these people just off the shore. It isn't until a group of young adults, driven by their own parents friendship, knowledge, and dedication to finding Opal city, do they decide as kids to one day find the riches their parents once hunted for. Little do they know, the many truths about Opal City that many chose not to believe, is that it isn't and never was a symbol for peace and serenity. It left devsation along its path of descrution. When one place can claim to house so much power, what makes them think that someone wouldn't want to conquer such power? They'll find out, later rather than sooner. Almost too late. Magic is so pure it can be used to anyones advantage, you just have to know how to counter it.


Melina Banks

24 . female . ?? . ??

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Nikolai Pruitt

26 . male . ?? . ??

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Evalyn Dawn

unknown . female . ???? . ????

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Reiji Tyndall

28 . male . ??? . ???

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Tidus Tyndall

30 . male . ??? . ???

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Cassius Morel

30 . male . ??? . ???

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Mokuba Banks

30 . male . ??? . ???

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Ambrose Caudell

28 . male . ??? . leo

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ufo - never at fb - done fvat oc fb - makeover rfn male originalcharacter fb - needed female original character cute fantasy guy need femaleoc AT nft demon