kura-ou's Bulletins

I apologize

Posted 8 years, 3 months ago by kura-ou

I'm sorry for being depressed still, since I lost my uncle almost a week ago and then I logged in here and saw that many of my designs have been deleted from TH...

I don't know what happened... I lost my only blood uncle and I feel like a piece of crap, so I apologize for being distant or mean or anything... Just going through a period of grief, anger, and all sorts of negative feelings... I want to get out of it soon, since I feel d that I still can't answer to the few people who do care... If they send me happy wishes, that's all I want to send them, but at the moment, I am sorry that I cannot reply with optimistic, encouraging feelings yet and appreciate your genuine kindness, patience and friendship.


Posted 8 years, 4 months ago by kura-ou


SB: $25

Min increment: $1


ENDS ~12 hrs after LAST BID



Just trying to help out my family more with bills and food ;u; Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you so much for looking~!

Free requests...?

Posted 8 years, 8 months ago by kura-ou

...I've been in rather frustrating art block since the incident in July...and I was wondering if I should open a limited amount of free requests for my friends and/or people who own just really beautiful, intricate, and or unique characters/adoptables...

I just really want to draw and have been very unispired lately ;-; (especially since my hand feels so stiff drawing...)

*EDIT* - Sorry for the late reply, everyone ;-; I've just been very depressed and have RL problems, so I haven't been very active for the past few days. I didn't specify before, but these will only be surprise doodles/sketches because I don't think it would be fair to give out free CG requests when I still haven't been able to complete all of my older commissions. Bless my commissioners for being so understanding about everything, though. 

I hope that you can understand. 

Please check it out here~ Most of my things are brand-new and from a pet/smoke-free home ;u;

Anyone who orders over $20 worth of merchandise without the shipping gets a free doodle request that'll be shipped with your order ;u;

I'm also doing $5-$40 commissions here to help out with food costs, too...but...they won't be done until after AX ;-; Since my laptop and tablet are both too heavy to carry with me along with prints/clothes/etc orzllll These types of commissions take about 3 days to 2 weeks to complete alongside older commissions/adopt extras ;u; Please pm me if interested and thank you for taking your precious time to read this ^^