kura-ou's Profile Comments

Miss you so much Kura! (This is Raye). I hope you're doing better D: DM me any time!

Heyy i recognize you works from dA! I didn't know you have toyhouse,too XD btw, you characters are cute X3

Hi~! Oh, wow, thank you for leaving such a friendly comment on my profile ;u; Communication is so rare here ;/////; Haha, and thank you--I only designed them but the real owners are Cyroris and Waltz (I am especially biased for Waltz's OCs regardless of whether I designed them XD;; But I'm always so humbled when someone posts up a character that I designed and gave them such a warm home and neat background story (if not bittersweet because my heart loves such stories /////)

Anyway, it's super-nice to meet you and would like to thank you for leaving such a nice comment >/////< I apologize for spazzing so much XD

Aww you're welcome,dear! hngggg that's lovely! You put a lot of hard work designing them. They deserve nice backstory ^^ I'm new here ^^ I didn't know how to interact with people in here, so it's nice to know familiar face around~ XD It's nice to meet you,too! Just call me Tika. I'm not really sure how to use this web TT^TT So, we just upload our OC and... done?

Sucks to hear that you were forced to be a biology major. :<

Yeah, my grades suffered a bit, but I'm glad that I've been given a 2nd chance to pursue what I'm really passionate for despite the wasted time ;u; I think it's that so long as you get where you want to be, the path you took earlier doesn't have to make you miserable ^^)b

Ahh, I don't think anything is a waste of time. You most likely learned some information that might be valuable to you!
It always makes me happy to hear that you're now pursuing your passion! Following your dreams feels great and I truly hope it works out for you! (8

Thanks for the sub back! ;w;

You're very welcome <33333

Thanks for the sub :D

You're very welcome ^^ I look forward to seeing you develop your cute babies >////<


Chuuu~ ♡´・ᴗ・`♡