labspecimen's Bulletins

ok do not look at my profile because discords “we don’t host pngs anymore fuck you” rule just kicked in live before my eyes💔 I knew it was coming but I had hope😔 anyways everything looks ugly as fuck now I’ve been meaning to redo my whole toyhouse anyways, just wanted to say heads up for the mess lol it will be like that for a hot sec because I am currently deathly ill (influenza😁)

auction bump 4 medical funds

Posted 4 months, 27 days ago by labspecimen

🐺🐺🐺 check it out & share if u can❤️

haiiii i want some art of my new fella!!!

if anyone has commissions open or would like to trade let me know ^__^ will probably only pick a few people

Edit: I took a few trades and will come back soon as I finished em!! So I will reach out to more people in a bit:) I will also message some people about comms when im done w my trades!

hellooo I wanna do a few collab adopts:3 basically we’d each do lineart and the other person would color/design!! they would be auctioned and the person that designed the adopt would get full monies for that one

gonna do anthros, not sure on species yet but maybe a song or autumn theme! two full bodies, a version w/ outfit and w/o (or 1 fullbody with an unclothed chibi maybe?idk)

comment if u are interested :3 i will pick 1 or 2 people!!!!!

what would you like to see from me? (POLL)

Posted 7 months, 28 days ago by labspecimen

what are you most interested in buying?

6 Votes adoptables (on base, cheaper)
9 Votes adoptables (off base, more expensive but higher quality + more unique designs)
5 Votes small ychs - maybe autumn or halloween themes? on the cheaper end ($20-$30 max)
5 Votes commissions (comments appreciated if you have smth specific in mind, like sceneries, icons, etc)

hiii everypony. so ive been thinking about quitting my job for quite some time bc it is extremely bad for my mental health, and im getting to the point where i really cant take it much longer and need to find something else asap. before i quit i want to get a feel for what the market is in for rn so i have a plan for keeping up income during the time im looking for a new job. if u are interested in any kind of art from me pls vote below thank uu. if you can't spend money rn please do not vote!! serious interest only):

i will be purging ocs again i think too so keep an eye out for that

gatcha interest check?

Posted 8 months, 10 days ago by labspecimen

ive never done one before but ive seen a few people do it, and it looks fun! if i were to try it out what kinda designs would people wanna see? maybe halloween/autumn themed? :o any species u guys are interested in?

seeking: scpkid

Posted 8 months, 19 days ago by labspecimen

haii im just curious :3 anybody who got any scpkid designs ufo/trade/sale feel free to comment!! any from the new batch especially but just in general.. i mostly want to browse but if theres fellas in my budget i may be interested in buying also

who has commissionz open

Posted 8 months, 24 days ago by labspecimen

HAIII my birthday is coming up and i would maybe like to get some art!!! idk yet what i want im just collecting/seeing whats available :3 feel free to promote urself in the comments!! ill be biased towards people that can draw humanoids bc im most likely gonna be looking for art of my sona ology ^^ but ya just post yr sheets thank uuuu!!!

EDIT 9/25 - tysm for all the comments guys!! i will pick & dm a few people soon, but i will keep this bulletin up for future reference for when im looking for comm in the future :D

haiiii! just as the title says, going to be accepting offers on this folder on some of my old sonas i dont use anymore! im not sure if i will actually part with any of them since I like keeping them around as a sort of archive, but im also curious to see if people are interested in any of them. with that said i will automatically reject offers on ology, my current sona, and am also currently uninterested in trading chamomile. lichen is tentative but im planning to redesign them, so its still okay to offer!

Other than those, any one else is open for offers! just please remember i might change my mind, this is sort of to test the waters and just see what the interest generally is :3

I HIGHLY PREFER money offers (USD). I am less interested in vouchers but may consider them. I will also consider character trades (preferences here <- not an exhaustive list) and art. If you want to offer art, please be specific with what you are offering! And please do not link your *entire* when offering ocs (unless u have a really small gallery lol).

Thank you ^__^!!

clooosed ^__^

Posted 10 months, 17 days ago by labspecimen

halloooo im in a designing mood again but im a bit rusty so id love to do some rough warmup trades if anyones up to it :] nothing super refined expect it to be sketchy/lineless but if thats okay...hello. comment pls

EDIT ok closing for these i dm’d a few people :3 sorry I couldn’t get back to everyone but I might open trades again in the future!!