Kyrivell Solutions

Counted among the most powerful independent economic instances of the current world, Kyrivell Solutions is a conglomerate with a hand in nearly every facet of business one could think of. It was founded and spearheaded by Earl Kyrivell, who shaped it into what it still is today. During his time at the helm, he also dabbled in more secretive ventures; hiring the acclaimed professor Dr. Ramona Alcyna to work on a personal project, which would later become known as the preliminary groundwork for the Apicem Project. The results of her research in creating living beings escaped from her however, when one of Earls children, Eros, suddenly forced a takeover of his fathers position- how is still unclear, though a mass exodus of all close associates or friends of Earl followed, Eros tearing out the conglomerates heart and replacing it with a new one of his own making; renewing not only Kyrivell solutions in his image, but also the research results of Dr. Alcyna, now properly named the Apicem Project, and placed in the hands of Dr. Ahaki.