The Dawnbreakers

Brought about by Cassandras mother in a phase of obsession with fantasy media, "The Dawnbreakers" is the glorified name of the associates and leader of the Newdawn Conglomerate; an economic empire only put to shame by that of Kyrivell Solutions. While previously, they maintained close relations to the rivaling family, the bond was severed and torched asunder when Eros took over his fathers place; seeing the newly appointed Head of Directors Cassandra as a threat, too much so to hold close. Of course, the Newdawn has continued its operations despite this break in allegiance; and yet, Cassandra has remained curious of Eros' paranoia, leading to The Dawnbreakers discovering the Apicem project; a discovery bringing a new supreme goal into sight. Stopping its fruition above all else, as she believes the power it promises is too much for any concious being to be trusted with.