The creatures in that strange, shimmering blue cavern in the depths of the Starwood Strand are not dragons. They're similar anatomically, and even seem to have body morphs worryingly similar to the known species of dragon throughout Sornieth, but biologically, they are nothing alike. These chittering creatures of shiny shell and diaphanous wing are drones- drones of the ever-spreading threat to dragonkind known as the HIVEMIND. This hive is lead by a motherly, overprotective Consciousness with a body-plan similar to that of a Skydancer. Her name is FURTHER, and she values the lives of her drones far more than the average Consciousness might.

The drones of hive FURTHER seem to have a small degree of sentience, with their behavior and level of intelligence resembling that of draconic hatchlings and juveniles. ONWARD is the most intelligent and most self-aware, closely followed by SAVIOR, and both of them are invaluable to FURTHER.