

content warning: Violence, nudity, NSFW topics, blood.

MANtis came as an egg in a special Mantis species box, that Professor Salcedo bought from a very radioactive zone from Japan. These species, were extremely rare, known in the enthomology world as "magical mantis", famous from changing colours, a very rare specimen. So, when Professor Ionas took care of him in the special chamber, he noticed something was abnormal. The egg was incredibly big and strange. Days passed and the egg became bigger and bigger, and Salcedo, scared but curious, decided to let it eclotionate. Mantis was born. And wasn't a regular insect, but a humanly looking Mantodeos. The Prof. Ionas was so impressed, this discovery would surely give him an award in the scientific community. But, will he be able to protect his finding?

img credit || code by icecreampizzer

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