Memento Mori (BNT)

Memento Mori (But Not Today)

This story is about five immortal assholes on a journey through the apocalypse. First, a medium-sized asteroid collided with the Pacific Ocean. This asteroid was carrying a mind altering, microscopic parasite capable of surviving extreme conditions. This parasite multiplied in the water, contaminating all organisms that came into contact with it. The parasite quickly spread to other areas through the water cycle, and mostly thrived in bodies of water. This parasite causes the rapid deterioration of all higher brain functions, and reduces humans to their most primal urges. It also gives special regenerative powers to its host, not wanting it to die. If the host dies, the parasites inhabiting the body die with it. There is no way to fully kill a host besides complete beheading, or destroying all or most of the host's brain. Hosts are often very fast, although their speed and brain function greatly decrease after each time that they are resurrected by the parasite.

The parasite caused a large part of the West Coast to become hosts, or die in riots. The mass amounts of corpses lying around, plus the waterborne parasite, caused most of the water supply to be undrinkable. Running water through a very fine filter and purifying it with water purification tablets is the only way to make clean water if bottled water is not available. The few remaining people after the initial fall fled to the east coast, not knowing that the parasite had spread to the Atlantic Ocean. Now, there are only a few large settlements that offer relative safety, and all are in either the middle of the country, or on the East Coast (away from the ocean). The largest of these settlements is Washington D.C., the nation's capital. 

The character featured here is Gregg! >

I'm actually trying to write this story, so when I finish it up I'll throw the link to it down here!

To Do: Basic character maintinance.
