moif's Bulletins

Unbleeders MYO Event!

Posted 1 month, 1 day ago by moif

Come join!!
They're so cool, they're a non-kemonomimi humanoid closed species, with really awesome lore, and if you like RP groups they run an active RP for it with ttrpg elements sometimes too!! I don't ever have time to really dive into it but it all looks super fun :DD

AW0005's Anniversary: Free MYO Event!

Posted 1 month, 18 days ago by moif

I apologize to all of my subscribers who are already in the species but!

My species AW0005s is having their Anniversary and it's getting jumped off with a free MYO event, with some very cool design raffles, adopts, and a lore event that can be participated in to come! :D

(Click the Banner to go to the TH thread)

Object Small Form Species

Posted 2 months, 1 day ago by moif

Which is different! Guess we'll find out how comfy I am with drawing objects kd;lasd

Neat Looking Species

Posted 2 months, 3 days ago by moif

Visor Species

Posted 4 months, 11 days ago by moif

Made by Hackwolfin!
Little more anthro than I usually do but with the visor keeping it simple I want to try them out  \ o /

AW0005 Spring Gala Raffle

Posted 4 months, 22 days ago by moif

The AW0005 CS has a fun event going on right now and an absolutely stellar design raffle up:
