Dainties from all walks of life that find themselves working in Hell's growing fashion industry! Some are native residents while others have been scouted by demonic agents- either way they have been finding success on Hell's toothy catwalk or as fashion designers, some with the goal of bringing earth's hottest trends to the hottest place around!

T dainty CD sabah cs trade Cherim FH e Dainty crossbreed female closed species spinxyn closedspecies nft Nalu main adopted Daintnyan CS chittercida snaptrap ufo r thepurge spinx FOREVER HOMED DAINTY ready NC html o Humanoid DC AU NEVER tent melwyrm valentines nephfei maybeee LOVES smH oc Tarma f2u off limits p Hjeojeo bat out of hell AU lysandrecafe single myo NFT baobear Queen acusta b vampire ST code character html A mignyan halloween chitter queans CB darling-dainties NFS BnHA gents unholy screaming Female AT kowaiko template fav pixie snap Unnamed varigo c