pikoki's Bulletins

. im free

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by pikoki

introverted or extroverted?

28 Votes introverted
34 Votes ambivert leaning towards introvert
7 Votes ambivert
11 Votes ambivert leaning towards extrovert
5 Votes extrovert
8 Votes iron bar 🥰

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well technically i was about two and a half hours ago but WHATEVER man i’m so glad i’m done

it’s been getting super pretty outside with the sun and the flowers so i’m so happy i can just enjoy them without aps looming over me now

uh so commissions! idk when i’m gonna open them, i kind of want to figure out my human style for a bit bc i rlly want to render stuff more but it comes out wonky and unclean to me so i’m trying to fix that rn

im gonna be drawing more now tho so that’s a good thing!

uh just realized i have a research paper due tomorrow that i’ve been procrastinating on for two weeks bc aps so uh nvm got to do that first but OMG I CAN BREATHE

next year’s gonna be worse tho because i’m taking more aps than i did this year so um.


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. ap exams (inactivity)

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by pikoki

best core subject?

6 Votes math
9 Votes science
9 Votes english
3 Votes history
3 Votes is there anything else
4 Votes a combo of some
3 Votes none :(
2 Votes all 💪💪

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so! aps,, the bane of my existence

so my first ap exam is in 4 days which wow the (second technically) first ap exam this year! not excited but i think i’m prepared

my other two aps aren’t until the week after but i am not the best at those subjects so that means from monday all the way until two tuesdays later, i’ll be grinding out those aps aaagh

i haven’t really been active so not even sure why i felt the need to make this bulletin but uh just to lyk i’ll be gone pretty much all of the next two weeks

hopefully i can get drawing again! i plan to post on scratch or something after aps since i promised i would post 💀

ok bye 😭

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. tos spring cleaning! (update)

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by pikoki

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spring cleaning lol

added a few things and made it a little clearer! if you haven’t already, please read through the whole thing and vote in the attached bulletin - it doesn’t take that long, i promise ^^


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. closing comms

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by pikoki


4 Votes aries
5 Votes taurus
4 Votes gemini
5 Votes cancer
4 Votes leo
7 Votes virgo
3 Votes libra
1 Votes scorpio
2 Votes sagittarius
4 Votes capricorn
5 Votes aquarius
7 Votes pisces

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hey uh sorry to like add another thing of inactivity but i’m gonna be closing comms now for a bit

i have a lot on my mind with planning for the summer and next year, as well as ap exams coming up quickly

honestly coming home to do school work and applications is already enough and adding comms will stress me out a little more (though please don’t blame yourself!! like at all,, this is my fault for chewing more than i can swallow)

i might open them back up after ap exams but uh we’ll see how my workload is from there 👍

man and i thought people said sophomore year is your easiest hs year

don’t be like me guys please take care of yourself! to those who are waiting on art from me, i can probably finsih those in a week or something but i have like 4729.848 things due this week so i can’t say for sure 🥶

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. updates

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by pikoki

ap examz…

21 Votes 💀
25 Votes free from the tyranny ✊🤯

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so hey uh i thought i should probably let you guys know why i’ve been kind of inactive recently instead of leaving you all to think i just dropped off the face of the earth lol

basically i haven’t really been having the best few weeks and school work is really getting to me,, i’ve started ap exam review now so FHKSJFKAJF pls no

sorry to those especially who commissioned me! i really apologize for the long wait, i never anticipated for any of them to take this long. those with custom comm orders, your comm might take more time since it takes me some time to decide on palette, design, and accessories

if any of you want a refund, i completely understand!! i’ve been stockpiling points for several months now so dw about it ^^

i hope you all are doing well! i should be able to get a few comms out today and tomorrow tho since i just finished the last of my summer internship applications :D

hope you all are doing well!

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. raffle results!

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by pikoki

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results for the 420 sub raffle

thanks to all of you who participated! congrats to the winners! and even if you didn’t win i hope that you’ll stick around :)

137 total tickets (i hope i didn’t miscount)
sorry about replying to everyone’s messages, i don’t like doing that since it takes a bit of time and it adds to your inboxes, but it rlly helps me keep track and stuff ^^’

so without further ado, here are the snips:


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fawnl and Neo91502!

congrats! please choose from one of the three options:

. 2 icons

. 1 bust and 1 icon

. 1 full

please provide the character links, preferred expressions/poses, if you’d like them shaded or not, and anything else you’d like to let me know!

i’m a bit caught up with comms atm so it might take a little bit to get them done, so i apologize in advance 😭

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🌙 . 420 sub raffle! [ CLOSED ]

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by pikoki

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420+ sub raffle lol 😳💀😏

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hey guys :)

a bit ago i ran a poll to see what you guys would want for a raffle, and the majority of you chose art so we’re doing that

sorry that this is kind of late!! i actually haven’t been getting a lot of down time and sleep in the past two months or so but i should be getting back on track now ^^

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2 winners ; possible prize combos:
these add up to around 1200p ($12.00) total

. 2 icons ( shaded or flat )

. 1 icon, 1 bust ( shaded or flat )

. 1 full ( shaded or flat )

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how to enter?

to get 1 ticket:

. be subbed to me

. favorite a character from here 

+1 more ticket

. make a bulletin advertising this one (and link it)

make sure you comment saying you did these things!

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art examples:



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. max 2 tickets

. characters for art can be either animals or human ( though ask about anthro )

. ends 2/22/23 11:59pm PST (february 22nd)

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thank you guys for the support! i hope to continue drawing for y’all in the future :)

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. raffle suggestions?

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by pikoki

read bulletin 😳 (raffle)

15 Votes offbase custom
10 Votes adopt (animal)
5 Votes adopt (human(oid))
16 Votes art (ex. 1 full; 3 icons; 1 bust, 1 icon; etc)
0 Votes other! (comment)

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hey y’all

so a while ago i hit 400 but uh between the end of my last semester and beginning of this one, i’ve been,, so busy,,

that’s why comms have been relatively slow and why it seems i’ve been inactive for a while

but uh yea no i’m quite a bit past 400 now so let’s just make this is a 420 raffle for the memes lmao

anyways i literally can’t think of anything else to do for these milestones so i’m just gonna do a raffle again like every other milestone pretty much, but i want to know what you guys would like! i’m hoping to get it out sometime this week or next week :)

please answer the poll or give suggestions in the comments! thank you guys so much!

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. mha rn omg

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by pikoki

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help its so sad i cried

i already read this part of the manga and a bit after but jeez anime really takes up the emotions several notches

noooo izuuuu

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. comm update

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by pikoki

do you like boba tea?

23 Votes YES LOVE IT!!
11 Votes it’s pretty good ^^
3 Votes indifferent
6 Votes not my thing
2 Votes ew >:|
13 Votes never tried it!

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hey guys i’m struggling a bit with my human style,, honestly doing anatomy and style studies while doing human comms is confusing me a bit

so im closing human comms momentarily until i can figure out what i need to

in the mean time animal comms are still open! thank you guys for the continued support <3


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