rival companies

PLSDKYS.CORP is a Company found in Heaven, it tries to minimize suicide rates to a zero. Hotlines, Guardian Angels, and a whole bunch of technical [and psychological] research gets put into it. Its mostly under the belief that 'if you dont kill yourself your more likely to do good deeds and get to Heaven' [more or less not the case] its entirely made up of angels.

KYS.CO or Killthahoe.co is a Company found in Hell, it was created a few days after PLSDKYS.CORP was founded. As the name says, its goal is to raiseĀ suicide rates to a high, they dont believe itd send more to Hell. They just want Heaven to suffer in its numbers. Not thatĀ much of research is put into it as its mostly field work [ie. actually going to the person] a Betrayful Demon if you will! Its actually made up of demons, fallen angels, and imps! And to an extent, ones from either species that hate Earth!