rainfalls's Bulletins

|| Auction happening, wip #1

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by rainfalls

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Quick wip heheh

It's a bit hard to see bc the colors are very dark so I might change that and make it a bit lighter, but really loving it so far

Since I've already put a lot of time and effort into this (and I'm not even close to being done), they're going to be priced fairly high, saying that now so you know what to expect

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|| Possible Auction Question

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by rainfalls

Would you buy if you could? [read bulletin]

9 Votes yes
0 Votes no

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Question is simple-

would you buy? Leaving aside prices and stuff (and also the fact that it isn't finished lmao)

It's just like- "do you think this concept would work for an auction?"

Also, be honest, idm. I like it anyways so if no one wants to bid then I'll probably just keep it for myself hh-


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|| NEVERMIND- also full rebrand!

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by rainfalls

EDIT: it works with double I :evil laughter:

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rainfalls is unavailable on 2/3 sites I'm on

welp, i'm in need of name suggestions again ig

something similar to this, because I really really like it

but... uhm, yeah-

anything that has cold, mountain/pine forest vibes, but could also work with fresher themes?? my moods switch rather often

and not winter, cold, rainy, but not winter

winter is a sucker

thanks for your attention. now I'm gonna go cry in a corner that my name was taken by an inactive account from 16 years ago-

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So, I am- genuinely impressed that more than five people have voted on my last bulletin

thank you

But anyway, I've made a decision and so now I'll (hopefully) change my username on TH to rainfalls!

I'll see what I do on the other sites after getting the feel of what rebranding would mean

(I'm also probably gonna change the code at some point, but rn I'm too busy. I'd be grateful if you could suggest me some pretty codes though, that'd be really helpful <3)

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|| User change /pretty important

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by rainfalls

so should i change it? (read bulletin)

3 Votes nah, better keep "in-town"
15 Votes yeah! go with "rainfalls"
0 Votes maybe change it to ______? (please comment suggestions!)

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Okay, so some may or may not know but I've been thinking really hard of rebranding for quite some time for- several reasons (like- in....town? is there also outside-town? where is this town? is it and adjective and it's me that it's in-town or smth else..? -lmao)

But I've been held back by not finding a good/ comfy and stuff like that-

So anyway, recently I've stumbled upon the name "rainfalls", and I love it :,)

However, I'm still undecided-

the rebranding would be rather gradual- meaning I'd first change it on TH (because you can change users monthly on here) and see how it feels, maybe- and only if I like it change it on my other sites

but yeah, I need advice :') So there you go- poll

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|| happy noises

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by rainfalls

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So I've just officially reached 100 subs on both TH and DA.

And I'm happy.

Just happy.

No, I'm pretty sure I won't do anything special for it.

Just be happy.

Why did I need to make a bulletin about this? God knows. Ig I haven't posted in a while so there you go.

Edit: oh shit the last bulletin that isn't an advertisement for a free thingie was posted 2 months ago I- lmao

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