🌏 the creators

The Creators & The Creations.

Once, there was nothing. Munstania, the planet, so alone for so long, tired of this nothing. These mountains, trees, lakes, islands & skies, all existent for nothing than the nature itself. Such a boring life Munstania lives. And so, Munstania fixed it.

First Munstania created a Messenger; a being made entirely of the Earth who would speak to Munstania, and deliver messages in Munstania's stead. Of dirt, rocks, crystals, & gems did the Messenger rise, with a single message to gather with their siblings and pass on Munstania's request to the Creators now roaming.

Next Munstania created a Mistress; a being made entirely of Nature who could feel Munstania's emotions, who could heal Munstania in times of need and assure Munstania's wellbeing. Of grass, moss, vines, bark, & flowers did the Mistress rise, instructed to make the world blossom.

Thirdly Munstania created a Majesty; a being made entirely of Water who could control the power of the Moon, ensuring it rose & fell in a natural order. Of water, seaweed, & coral did the Majesty rise, with the gentle suggestion to do something unimaginable with her vast seas.

Near-lastly Munstania created a Molten; a being made entirely of Lava who could control the power of the Sun, ensuring it rose & fell in a natural order. Of lava, rocks, fire, & a volcano did the Molten rise, with the fiery suggestion to spread endless joy to his future people.

And lastly, Munstania created a Mother with what little power was left; a being made up of the Sky up above, asked to watch the world below and make sure it stayed safe. But with so little power and so high above, they never recieved the message of Munstania to meet up with the others, and jealousy would soon fester within their very heart.

The world of Munstania forever grows, forever aches, forever in silent forgotten war. To tell the whole tale would be a feat unspeakable, in part due to how lost and muddled it has become with the disappearance of the people's beloved Creators. But everyone is raised to know the basics.. and perhaps, one day, it shall all come to light at last.