Bungou Stray Dogs


A terrorist underground organization led by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Their goal is to obtain the Book and get rid of their competitors along the way.

22 | she/her | "The House, In Which..."

Mariam's powerful ability makes her of use as a weapon to the Rats, but she mostly prefers the role of their housekeeper. She is a shy beauty who prefers to be an observer. She likes to stay at home and gladly does household chores to make it comfortable. Her greatest passion lies in reading and writing her own fairytales, but also in drawing. Her ability can make people fall asleep and dream of their ideal life. If they don't wish to return to their existing life within an hour, they will never awaken. Mariam is very interested in stories from her books or from people that got caught by her ability. She spends a lot of time in her head and gets more and more disconnected from reality with each passing day.

20 | she/her | "Profession: Witch"

Olga is a skilled assassin, with great strength and agility. Additionally, her ability allows her to heal own wounds and neutralize viruses or poisons. Olga is a social butterfly with lots of chaotic energy and bad drinking habits. She is brave enough to face any danger and fight anyone who is her target or volunteers to spar. Though she might appear friendly and energetic, she hides a great amount of pain deep in her soul and never shows it to anyone. She previously worked as a secret agent for the Russian government, until she defected to join the Rats. She is now hunted by the Russian FSB’s Special Ability Department and her past colleagues in order to force her to return or neutralize her.

27 | he/him | "The Black Man"

Sergei used to be a famous actor who had it all: looks, money, fame, family and even love. Has lost everything due to his own dissatisfaction with life, troublemaker attitude and anger management issues. Also due to his ability manifesting and haunting him, terrifying him and ruining his already shaky relationships with people. Has equally terrible drinking habits like Olga, and is also a hooligan who often gets into fights. Underneath all that he still remains a kind and gentle soul, thoughtful, romantic and attentive to people. Nice to talk to when you're not trying to insult him or hurt his freedom. His ability looks like a dark and well dressed mirror image of Sergei who prefers to stay close to him. It shows him history of any object, event or person. Sergei is just very bad at controlling this ability.


(Original organization.) The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation or FSB is a security agency of the Russian Government based in Moscow. Their main responsibilities include measures against terrorism and other organized crime, investigations of serious crimes, interrogation, surveillance, and most importantly, protecting the integrity of their country by any means. Their field of work includes countries that were once members of the Soviet Union, as well as Russian criminals hiding in other countries if they pose a sufficient threat or are otherwise of interest to the FSB. FSB's Special Ability Department is led by Darya Dontsova. Its purpose is investigating crimes involving ability users, enforcing criminal justice and maintaining social order, in addition to the FSB's general goals. Some of its members are rescues from ability testing facilities, some had ties with the government or military before and some were hired normally, changing departments if needed. Most members get paired up for missions, but the pair or a need for it can change depending on the type of mission. They work in shifts unless they are specifically needed for their ability or other personal skills. Some members get assigned a trusted team of colleagues without abilities if required.

24 | he/him | "HDive"

Dmitri is a big fan of fantasy and history literature, as well as metal music and subculture. He is very strong and a great fighter, however he is good-natured and has a kind heart. Though sometimes he can be really clumsy, he is a skilled FSB agent and fighter. He strives to be a hero who can help and protect people, even if he must do it from the shadows. His ability allows him to teleport when moving at high speed, usually on his motorcycle. He traveled to Yokohama partnered with Draco Lockhard in order to capture or neutralize Olga Gromyko, his previous FSB partner and best friend.

Pairing: Helena Blavatsky

29 | he/him | "Ninth Row"

Draco is Georgian with English roots, and his family is equally wealthy on both sides. He strives to be efficient at everything he does and hates losing time, which makes him look very serious and intimidating. He keeps his interests private, thus nobody knows that he is actually a huge dragon lover. He studied to become a lawyer but was forced to make use of his time manipulation ability for the FSB instead. He is remarkably intelligent, great at playing chess and predicting enemy actions. Used to be Dmitri's FSB partner before Olga Gromyko. Traveled to Yokohama in order to keep tabs on The Rats and capture Olga and Fyodor Dostoevsky for the FSB. Ended up falling for a former Rat in the process.

Pairing: Natalya Vasilyeva

28 | she/her | "The Dark Chronicles"

One of the Three Natashas, usually called Illet by her coworkers. She is an affable person and likes to be helpful. Usually does work as neatly as she can and cares about her looks to be both pretty and professional. Despite striving to keep up with social expectations, she can be relaxed and goofy and is a fun company. Illet is also a huge people pleaser and wants everyone to like her. She often uses her ability to see herself with their eyes. She likes books and movies on mythology of various cultures and spending time in nature. Also an excellent fencer. Has the same ability as her partner Elhe, work often requires them to use it on each other and try to control the resulting Singularity.

Pairing: Natalia Nekrasova

27 | she/her | "The Dark Chronicles"

One of the Three Natashas, usually called Elhe by her coworkers. Dislikes other people and doesn't hide it. Usually only does something to gain from it and tries to pursue her own interests at all times. Elhe uses her ability to look into other people's heads and take their knowledge if it benefits her. Has little to no empathy. Despite this, she rarely lies and usually says exactly what she means. She feels like she doesn’t belong in this world, which is why she can’t connect with people here. Searching for her original world, Elhe developed an interest in the occult and anything magical or supernatural. Has the same ability as her partner Illet, work often requires them to use it on each other and try to control the resulting Singularity.

35 | she/her | "The Tree of Death"

One of the Three Natashas, the only one who actually gets called Natalya. Usually partnered with Draco Lockhard. Both are the most respected members of Special Ability Department for their experience and capable attitude. Natalya works in several other FSB departments under aliases and disguises and keeps it private. A well trained and obedient soldier who has lost any hesitation that could hold her back. Cold, ruthless and not very talkative. Used to be very kind and gentle, and this is not completely lost. She just has too many chains binding her by duty to allow this. Can be chill and nice with those she considers friends. Has an exceptionally powerful and terrifying ability capable of extending far away into distance and destroying anything it touches.



30 | he/they | "Labyrinths of Echo"

An unusually dressed silly man. Asks to be called Sir Max and insists that he has seen many worlds already before visiting this place. Can travel into people's dreams and worlds in a dream. For this reason, his shifts and sleep schedule are really weird. However, he is still a big fan of both regular sleep and coffee. And cats. His eyes change color all the time. His hair just keeps going under that hood. Likes to joke around, is chill and messy with most things. Acts as a great unconventional detective at times thanks to his powerful intuition. Likes his job for the curious cases and stories that it brings. Loves to tell about his adventures that include work cases and something from his own experience. Seems to know Eliona from somewhere.



33 | he/him | "Black Blood"

Usually called Nick. SAD FSB's doctor who isn't too enthusiastic about his job. Not only is he a realist, it's just not fun when your ability works by hurting yourself to heal others. His body hides a lot of small injuries because of this. He uses his own blood and special needles to stitch wounds together, as well as regular healing methods. Medical science is his calling and passion. Studying never ends, he still reads a lot and doesn't rely only on his ability. Wants to help people but doesn't have the best temper. Can you guys please chill and get hurt less?? Works too much and this job is too stressful but who else can do it better. Good at fighting as well but it's not where he is usually found.



34 | he/him | "Black Whirlwind"

Nick's buddy and colleague in the medical wing. His ability isn't a healing one though, it's shapeshifting to completely copy someone's appearance. Slava isn't as crazy hardworking as Nick and generally more relaxed and lazy but still does well when he needs to. This allows him some more fun in life. Thanks to his ability he gets to work in the field more often, usually by fooling people and spying on them. A big fan of folk music, plays acoustic guitar and has a cool singing voice. Eliona's brother, has a big family with lots of siblings. Likes to be around people but still keeps his calm and secretive nature. Crafts needles used in Nick's ability. Usually acts as his assistant but could do well on his own too.

26? | she/her | Unknown

Wife to Matias Zekavica and Svyatoslav's adorable sister that works here as a medical assistant. The actually nicest lady in the entire department, even though she's not always present and is usually only seen in the medical wing. Very kind, gentle and calm. Great at her job and could potentially be more than just an assistant. Slava protects her from unwanted attention and tries not to let her know too much about the work they really do here. He doesn't have to try so hard though, she knows more than she lets on. With the kind of wounds and other problems they're dealing with it's pretty easy to guess, and she's aware of more. Though she doesn't support violence and the FSB's goals are far from her values, she still wants to help out. Friends with Max who usually tells everyone that he invited this girl here from another world. Also friends with Dima, whom she seems to know more than he knows her. It appears that she has an undisclosed ability as well. Her age might not be real.



33 | she/her | "Light and Dark"

Nastya is a friendly lady blessed with beauty. Probably the most genuinely nice lady in their department, liked by most people. Gives off kind of normie vibes. But watch out. Don't wrong her or you might find yourself trapped in one of the four crystals she wears as her accessories. She can and will defend herself. You don't want to end up in those very different but equally dangerous labyrinth prisons. Unexpectedly interested in many different topics and open to conversations about many things, and though she is a jack of all trades, still a master of none. Openly emotional. Rather imaginative than smart. Surprisingly okay with gruesome parts of their work which can be creepy sometimes. Also a metal fan. She usually stays in the office doing paperwork, unless there is someone she needs to pick up or hide. She is sometimes seen with the Oldies, apparently she is their assistant of some sort. Less scared of them than most of her colleagues.

36 | he/him | "Evil Eye"

Lion's younger twin brother and the brain behind their duo. Attentive, quiet and thoughtful, speaks straight to the point. His mind is a dark place and his presence can be especially scary at times, even when he's not trying. Interested in historical fencing, likes to collect swords, knives, firearms and more. A fan of hard rock, owns many physical discs and records by his favorite artists. Loves cooking, baking and vatrushkas. His ability allows him to curse anyone maintaining eye contact with him long enough. Soon after, the victim will either suffer a painful accident or a sudden death.
Both twins were born in a small seaside English town in a rich Ukrainian family of circus performers and lived a significant part of their life there, training in acrobatics. Though they traveled the world as performers, people don't recognize them here in Moscow, which works in their favor. After their abilities led them to becoming mercenaries, both were sent to the FSB as a gift from Agatha Christie. The strongest fighters of their department, both skilled in martial arts and with various weapons. Usually seen together, both get nicknamed "wardrobes" sometimes. Occasionally seen accompanying Nastya who appears to be less afraid of them. To others they seem very intimidating, and for a good reason: when they're called to work, they're expected to leave no witnesses.

36 | he/him | "Genius"

Henry's older twin brother and the leader of their duo. The more confident, talkative and charismatic twin, more skilled in a fight as well. He speaks in pretty, almost poetic words, sometimes pretentious and sometimes difficult to understand. Has a slightly nicer presence than Henry and usually speaks for both of them. Still carries just as much blood on his hands, if not more. Wears contacts when he needs to and likes to be well-dressed. A fan of jazz, classical music and theatre, as well as fencing. Loves halva and international cuisines, a glutton just like his brother. His ability can guarantee that if he injures someone, his second strike to that same spot will be deadly, no matter its nature or usual expected effect.
Both twins were born in a small seaside English town in a rich Ukrainian family of circus performers and lived a significant part of their life there, training in acrobatics. Though they traveled the world as performers, people don't recognize them here in Moscow, which works in their favor. After their abilities led them to becoming mercenaries, they were sent to the FSB as a gift from Agatha Christie. The strongest fighters of their department, both skilled in martial arts and with various weapons. Usually seen together, both get nicknamed "wardrobes" sometimes. Occasionally seen accompanying Nastya who appears to be less afraid of them. To others they seem very intimidating, and for a good reason: when they're called to work, they're expected to leave no witnesses.



TBA | she/her | TBA

Chief of the Special Ability Department. A lovely lady who holds a lot of power. To some of these troubled Ability users, she is a savior. To some she's something more dangerous. Currently on vacation with her bestie Agatha Christie. We'll find out more about her once Agatha returns.


(Original organization.) Special Ability department in United Nations Security Council provided by Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They work close with Europole as well. Their field of work is international diplomacy and security, aiding peacekeeping missions, as well as measures against crime and terrorism, usually concerning ability users. They are led by Vasilisa Sherba. She has convinced many FSB members to join her, such as Draco Lockhard, Henry and Lion Oldie, Max Frei and Dmitri Yemets. Aside from their powerful abilities, all of them have connections to the UK, Ukraine and other countries and are therefore less interested in being closely controlled by the Russian government or dealing with its internal problems. (Except for Dmitri, he's here for other personal reasons.)



33 | she/her | "Clockcery"

Timey wimey witchy lady. A lot more chill and less old-fashioned in her leadership style compared to Miss Dontsova. Go on, keep your secrets and legally questionable affairs. Intentionally withholds as much from the Russian government as possible if it's not immediately important. Rough childhood made her cold and calculating, but a wish for peace has drawn her to seek work in this direction. Constant jumping in time makes her age at a visibly faster rate. Regardless, she still seems to be cheerful and agile and looks fashionably gorgeous. Known for her masterful acrobatic skills. Has a textbook villain character design but she's not nearly that evil. Vasilisa looks suspicious to most people that meet her, and while she can certainly be dangerous, there is more than meets the eye.



24 | he/him | "Leo's Love"

The hacker guy. A technology pro with a cheerful, loud personality and an obnoxious fashion sense. Never seen without his heart headphones, surrounds himself with bright neon things. Likes to be overly dramatic for fun. Way too unserious and energetic to look like a genius that he is. Terminally online outside of his job as well, easily gets media references and regularly supplies his friends with hearts, memes and animal videos. Anime fan. Genuinely caring but not without mischief. Known online as Johnny Kim, JKim or JK. His ability can reprogram a person's mind to fall in love with someone of his choice, any person, character, object, monument or building. He prefers monuments especially. It can be considered as a form of punishment or torture because of how irrationally and deeply the affected person will crave their beloved and how unattainable they usually are. Leo also uses his ability for pranks sometimes.


Olde fambily that stayed in the UK



58 | she/her | None

Oldie family matriarch, a retired performer with gorgeous looks, talent and strict discipline. Respected and feared. You think my sons are cursed? I'll make sure you don't talk to me or my kids ever again

38 | she/her | None

Oldest sister and mama's closest copy. She's more approachable though, knows how to be both responsible and kind. Heiress to the family's noble name, married with kids, still carries her profession with pride. A pro in aerial acrobatics. The voice of reason for everyone here. Don't hurt her little siblings or she Will poke your eyes out with her heels no ability needed

24 | she/her | None

Youngest sister who gets babied by everyone else. Just trying her best. She's really cool and pretty though. Didn't get to see her brothers much and misses them, even though she's still slighly afraid of their reputation. An equestrian who is still searching for her place in life. The only one who inherited mama's love for vaulting. Certified horse girl. Shares an interest in historical fencing with her brothers but isn't quite as skilled as they are.

Code by Aurorean

Bungou Stray Dogs BSD FSB The Oldies The Rats in the House of the Dead The Dreamers Trio Unaffiliated